Chapter 25 : We're Here

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Steve's Pov

I had been driving for a few minutes. I was on my way back to the movie theater. I needed to right some wrongs.

I parked my car across the street and walked over. There was an old man with a cloth, up on a ladder scrubbing the spray paint off the sign. He looked down at me, when he saw me out of the corner of his eye.

"Did you have something to do with this?" He asked me. 

I hesitated before answering, "I-I just...want to help." 

He climbed down the ladder and handed me the cloth. "She's all yours."

He walked back inside the theater. I took my jacket off and started climbing up the ladder. 

As I was scrubbing, I thought about everything I said to her and her brother. They didn't deserve that. Their brother just died, and I was being a total dick. I deserved every punch Jonathan planted on my face. 

When I was finished taking off what I could from the sign, it was already sunset. I needed to find Sofie or Jonathan to tell them I was wrong. And that I'm sorry. But first I needed to go to my house and look a little more presentable.

Sofie's Pov

"Do you think they found them already?" Nancy asked worried, as we watched her house from far away.

There were agents everywhere. All around the front and back part of their house at the end of the cul-de-sac. 

Nancy started walking forward and Hopper pulled her back. 

"My mom! My dad, are over there!"

"Nancy, you can't go over there!" Hopper warned.

"Mike, is over there!"

"They haven't found him! Not yet at least." Hopper said as he followed the helicopter flying over the town.

"For Mike?!"

We watched it for a few seconds and then some of the people at Nancy's house turned in our direction. They started pointing at us and other people started looking in our direction.

"Sofie, get in the car." Hopper muttered lowly while looking at the people.


"Get in the car!" He pushed me and Nancy towards the open door. 

Once we were in Hopper moved the car back so that we were out of view from the people at the bottom of the hill. 

"Look we need to find them before they do. Is there any place that your brother would go that your parents don't know about?" 

"I don't know." Nancy replied.

"Come on. I need you to think!" Hopper told her desperately. 

"I don't know, okay! We haven't talked a lot." 

I started thinking about the boys. Then I thought of Will. 

"Will? Do you copy? Over." 


"Will? Do you copy?" 

static from the walkie echoed through my head. 

"The walkie." I whispered. 

They all looked at me. 

"Will's walkie. It's how he would talk to the other boys."

Jonathan nodded his head and added, "We don't know where they are, but we know how to ask them." 

Hopper started speeding through town to our house. The only issue with Will's walkie was that we didn't know where Will left it. Or the boys could be way out of range, and they wouldn't even hear us. I could try to look for them with my mind, but I didn't know how to do it outside of the bathtub. 

Once we made it to the house, we all jumped out of the car and headed towards the front door. Once Mom unlocked the door, we all pushed through and hurried to Will's room. 

We looked everywhere and couldn't find it. Then I remembered Will's master hiding spot. 

I got down on the ground and crawled under his bed.

"God, this boy needs to clean under his bed." I muttered. 

It was hard to see what was under the bed, so I was just feeling around. Eventually, I found it. 

"I've got it!" I announced from under the bed. 

Jonathan pulled me out from under the bed, and then took the walkie from my hand. 

"Wow, thanks for helping me up Jonathan." I said sarcastically. 

Jonathan handed the walkie to Hopper. Hopper handed it to Nancy, and we waited. 

"Mike? Are you there Mike?"

There was no response.

"Mike? Do you copy? We need to know that you're there Mike. This is an emergency, Mike."

Hopper walked over and grabbed the walkie. 

"Listen up, kid, this is the chief. If you're there, pick up. We know that you're in trouble and we know about the girl. We can protect you, but you gotta pick up. Are you there? Do you copy? Over."

There was silence again. I walked over and grabbed the walkie from Hopper. 

"El, it's me. It's Sofie. I know you're there. I need you guys to answer."

There was no response again. I sighed in defeat. I set the walkie down on Will's dresser and turned around to face them. 

"Any other ideas?" I asked. 

We all looked at each other completely defeated. I went and sat next to Nancy on Will's bed. Then, there was a voice. 

"I'm here. It's Mike. I'm here." there was a pause. "We're here.

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