Chapter 2 : Hawkins Lab

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"Let me out! Where am I?! Where's my brother?! Where's Will, you bastards!" I yelled as I banged on the large white door. 

I looked around at my surroundings. I was in a small completely white room. There was a bed with a really bad mattress. There was a  metal desk with a metal chair. There were blank sheets of white paper and a box of 20 crayons on the desk. There was a camera with a flashing red light indicating that it was on. I pulled the chair towards the corner the camera was in and spoke directly to the camera. 

"Let me out! Now!" 

I heard the door unlock and it opened. A really tall man in a suit walked in. Behind him were two men wearing completely white outfits with a black belt, black shoes, and a black watch. They had what looked like a taser attached to their hip. 

"Hello, Ms. Byers." He said with a small smile. 

"Where the hell am I?!" I said while getting down from the chair and moving to stand behind it. 

"I'm Dr. Martin Brenner."

"I didn't ask! Let me out and give me back my brother!" 

"You're a tough one, I can tell. You'll be perfect for the program." He said still smiling. 

"What program? What is this?! Let me out!" 

"Captain she's all yours." He said while turning around and waiting outside the room. 

I watched as the two men came into the room and started to corner me. 

"What are you doing?! Get away from me!" I yelled as I leaped from behind the chair and onto the bed trying to run out the door. 

One of the men had grabbed me and dragged me back to the bed. He flipped me over and I don't know what came over me but I punched him in the face. When I punched him he bumped into the other guy and they both fell. This gave me the opportunity to run out of the room. The doctor was still standing there, but he was in shock of what he had just seen me do. I didn't waste another second before running and trying to find the nearest exit. 

I saw two big doors and I believed that they had to lead somewhere so I pushed them and I saw a bunch of rainbows. 

"What the hell?" I said as I walked around the rainbow room. 

There were several toys for little kids. I didn't understand. Was I the only one here? Or were there more people who were taken like me. So much was running through my head that I didn't notice that there were two guards and the doctor advancing towards me. The two guards tackled me to the ground, but I wasn't giving up. I pushed and shoved, but they wouldn't let go. One of them held my head and pulled my long brown hair out of the way from my neck. I watched as a nurse walked in with a big ass needle with a clear liquid on the inside. She was coming towards me and I realized she was going to inject me with that. 

"No! No! No!" I screamed as I fought and pushed against the guards. 

"The more you fight the more it's going to hurt!" She said loudly as she got closer. 

"No!" I yelled loudly as she injected it in my neck. 

I started to feel my body going limp. 

"Leave her." I heard the Doctor say. 

He came and cradled me like a child while I was passing out from the injection. 

"It's all going to be alright."

"" I slurred my words as I looked at him. 

"You'll live here with your sister, Eleven. I will be your Papa. Everything's going to be alright" He said while smiling at me. 

"The fuck..." Was the last thing I said as I finally passed out completely. 

2 Days Later

I woke up back in the little room I was in. But, this time it was different. Something felt different. I sat up and noticed that I wasn't wearing my clothes anymore. I was wearing a hospital gown. Well, not even a hospital gown, it felt much different. It was softer than a normal hospital gown. I stood up out of the bed and saw my hair. My hair was at my waist the last time I was conscious. It was now at my shoulders. My hair was in its natural wavy state instead of how I had my hair the day I was taken. I had straightened my hair so that I could go out with Steve. I felt like crying. I loved my hair so much. It reminded me so much of mom since I didn't get to see her often because of how much she worked to keep us off the streets. I was worried I looked like Jonathan now. This thought made me feel like laughing, but it didn't as I realized the severity of my situation. 

I had been kidnapped. 

I didn't know where Will was. 

And I didn't know where I was. 

 I was so confused as to how long I was out for. They did so much to me. I went to wrap my arms around myself, but when I did I felt a sting on my left wrist. I looked down and saw a number. 


"Is this real?!" I said as I licked my thumb and tried to rub it off. "Oh my god! It's not coming off!" I was panicking trying to rub it off. 

"You're going to hurt yourself." 

I whipped my head around and saw the doctor. 

"What did you do to me, Brenner?!"

"First off Seventeen, you will refer to me as Papa." He said with a straight face. 

" My name is not 'Seventeen' it's Sofia Byers and you know that!"

"Your name is Seventeen! Do you understand that?!" He yelled as he squeezed my arms. "Do you understand?!" He said once more getting  closer to my face.

"Yes." I responded defeated.

He stayed staring at me. Waiting.

"Yes, Papa." I whispered looking away from him.

"Good. Now put your shoes on. I need you to meet someone." He said while letting go of my arms and walking towards the door. 

"Who is it?" 

"Your sister. Eleven."


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