Chapter 4 : Permission and Promises

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After the incidents that happened a few hours ago I went with Eleven to her room and we sat there and waited for Brenner to wake up. We couldn't run away just yet. I didn't know the place well enough to know where we could get out from. While waiting, Eleven had fallen asleep. I tucked her into bed and made my way back to my room to wait for Brenner to wake up. I was almost positive that the guard was dead. When I got back to my room he was still bleeding. He had probably died from loss of blood by now, but I could care less about the son of a bitch. 

"Ugh..." I heard from the floor. 

I looked over and saw Brenner waking up. I stood up from my bed and strolled towards him. 

"Papa! Are you alright?"  I asked in a fake worried voice.

"Seventeen? What did you do?" He asked as his eyes grew angry.

"I-I don't know. I just woke up." I said lying through my teeth. 

"Are you alright, Seventeen?" 

"I think." God, I am such a good liar. I would be such a great actress. 

The point of me lying is so that I can gain his trust. If he allows me to be with him more then I could possibly find us a way out of this hell. 

I don't know how many days later

"Seventeen, I need you to test your gifts." Brenner said to me through the loud speaker that was inside of the testing room. 

Apparently the day that Brenner was knocked out and the guard died, I did that. The day I was taken when I was injected with whatever was in the needle, it was the program he was talking about. A program where the government would take children and use them as little lab rats. They would try and give kids enhanced abilities. For example, telekinesis. Me and Eleven have telekinesis. 

Brenner has been testing me for days on end. At least I think it's been days. There are no windows. I think we might even be underground. 

I was being tested to see if I could use my powers at any time. I had a coke can sitting on the table in front of me. I had a thing on my head. I don't know what it's for, but I have to wear it when I'm being tested. 

I was really bored and depressed because A.) I was kidnapped and was being held captive, and B.) I hadn't seen Eleven in days (I assume). I hadn't seen El since the incident. I hadn't asked Brenner about her because I don't want to make him angry. I plan on asking him after this test because I had been good and I deserved to see her and make sure she was alright. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Brenner called me "Seventeen" through the loud speaker telling me to proceed with the test. I stared intently at the coke can. I was scrunching my eyebrows in frustration when it wouldn't crinkle down. I knew that if this test didn't work he was going to be angry. I was trying so hard but it wasn't working. I had never failed a test like this before. I stopped trying because my head began to hurt. I looked up at him through the glass and he was indeed angry. I watched him nod his head towards the two guards and they proceeded to walk in the room and drag me out of the chair. 

"No!" I yelled as I tried to fight, but I was tired. Tired from trying so hard to please him. Tired from trying to crush that stupid ass coke can. 

"Papa! Papa please! No! Papa!" I yelled to him because he was the only one who could tell them to stop. He didn't say anything, he just slowly followed behind us. 

They were walking towards a small closet that I knew all too well. It was small and had no lights. I was thrown in there the other day because according to Brenner I was "misbehaving". Bullshit. 

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