Chapter 28 : The Demogorgon

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I groaned at the light hitting me. The room was so bright. As my vision cleared, I realized where I was. 

This was my room. Same desk, bed, box of crayons and camera. I reached for my neck, and it was still there. My clothes were also still the same. No hospital gown. I sat up in the bed and waited. I knew they were watching me. Waiting for me to wake up. 

I waited a few seconds, then the door opened. In walked the star of the show. He pulled the chair from the desk up to the side of my bed. He sat down and looked at me. 

"Hello, Papa."

"Hello, Seventeen. Where is your sister?"

"I don't know." He slapped me across the face. 

"You're lying."

"I don't know where she is. After we ran, we parted ways in the woods. I don't know where she is."

"That's a lie. You want to know how I know it's a lie."

"Not really."

"Because the Chief rescued them. My men told me. You came here with him which means you know where she is because you were just with her. Now I am going to ask you again. Where is your sister?"

"I don't know." 

"That's not good enough." He pulled out the remote to the collar.

"No! No, please! I promise I don't know where she is!"

"I think you need to learn a lesson Seventeen. Bad children need correction. This is all for a learning purpose." 

He turned it up to the highest level and the only thing I could feel was the burn of the collar. I was crying and in pain several minutes after. He would use the collar and then hit me himself. I just wanted him to kill me if he was going to kill me.

"Please stop." I whispered.

"I will, but first we need to go pay Mrs. Byers a visit." He pulled me up off the ground and shoved me through the door. I was held by guards the entire walk down the hall. Brenner walked into the room Mom was in. I could hear her shouting, and I just hope she wasn't getting hurt too. 

We were outside for a few minutes before Brenner opened the door. 

"Perhaps this will change your mind." 

The guards shoved me inside the room. I fell onto the floor with a hard thud.


"You see, Mrs. Byers. I saved your daughter, and she became my child. I will care for her like no one else can. Which is why I need you and her to learn a lesson. But the only way to make you learn is to use her. Remember, this didn't have to be this way." He pulled the remote out again.

"What are you doing?"

"Teaching you a lesson."

The collar turned on again. 

I tried to contain my screams. I was in immense pain, but I couldn't let him guilt trip my mom. I would take whatever he threw at me. The goal was to get my brother, not save me.

"Please stop! You're killing her!" I heard Mom shout.

"Dr. Brenner. The Chief has come to an agreement. We know where the girl is." 

He turned off the collar and I gasped for air. The uncuffed my Mom from the chair and she ran towards me.

"Sofie? Sofie are you okay?" She whispered as she held my face.

"Never better." I rasped out. 

Hopper came into the room and his eyes widened at the sight of me. 

"Mrs. Byers please follow us."

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