Chapter 5 : Escape From Hawkins Lab pt. 1

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As we made our way to the bathtub I was really anxious. I was having memories from when I had my test in the bathtub. 

3 Days Prior

"Seventeen, remember. Whatever is in there can't hurt you. It can't see you. It can't touch you. You're fine." 

"Okay, Papa." 

"Lower her into the tank. Good luck, Seventeen." He said to me. 

"Thank you, Papa." 

My body made contact with the water in the bathtub. It was really cold. Brenner told me before this that if my hair was too much of a hassle while it's wet. that he was going to have to save my head like Eleven. I was going to try my hardest so that my hair didn't get in his way. 

I know it sounds stupid, but my hair has a lot of sentimental value to me. At this moment it is the only thing that I have of my mom. I probably look like Jonathan, so there's that. I probably also look a little like Will. These were all thoughts that I could get in trouble for because they could be interfering with what Brenner wanted me to look for. 

I locked those thoughts in the back of my brain so that I could focus on finding what he wanted me to find. I was fully submerged in the water now. I closed my eyes and when I opened them again I was in the place. The place that had water on the ground and was completely black all around. I heard someone talking. I turned around and saw a man. He was wearing a greyish greenish coat with fur on the neck line thing. I got closer to him. I saw his face. I think he was russian. I'm not a genius or anything but I'm pretty sure he wasn't speaking english. I was trying to focus on what he was saying, but then I heard what sounded like a little giggle. Well, not even a giggle like a low mocking growl. 

I turned and saw a gross slimy animal. I looked human, but not human. I didn't understand. It was eating something. It had long claws, long arms, and long legs. I walked towards it because maybe this is what Brenner really wanted me to look at. As I got closer to it I saw that it was covered in a lot of blood. Probably from what it was eating but it still looked weird. It looked like there was too much blood for the little thing it was eating. 

I don't know why my stupid ass had the idea to walk up to it and touch it, but I did. It was the biggest mistake I ever made in my entire life. It turned to look at me slowly and that was when I realized. It had no face. I felt all the blood drain from my face. It opened its mouth to screech at me and I saw all its teeth. There had to be about a thousand teeth all over its mouth. I turned in fear and ran the other way. I ran and I ran. At some point I was out of the place and back in the tank. I was banging on the door yelling and begging them to take me out. 

When they finally pulled me out I saw that there were cracks in the wall next to the bathtub. Apparently, I had done that. They were huge cracks. I got in trouble because of it, but it was their fault because they wouldn't pull me out. 

Present Time

I took a deep breath as I walked into the room with Eleven still holding onto my arm. I looked out into the bathtub and saw the cracks in the wall. I looked at it with confusion because it looked like there were either plants or vines coming out of it. Something about this room right now felt wrong. But, what doesn't feel wrong about being here with a bunch of doctors and scientists testing you because you have powers. 

"Eleven, come here." Brenner said to her. 

She started to walk away, but I pulled her back. I gave her a big hug and whispered in her ear. 

"It's all going to be okay, El." 

"Okay, Sofie." She whispered back. 

I watched El walk towards Brenner. He held her hand as they walked up the steps to the top of the bathtub. I watched them carefully, but then I was pushed forward by a guard that was apparently walking behind me. I thought he was going to push me into the room that Brenner and all the other scientists observed from. But, he only pushed me closer to the bathtub towards a chair. He pushed me down into the chair and made me face the bathtub. There was another chair next to me. I assumed he was going to sit down, but then I saw Brenner making his way over to us and he sat down next to me. 

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