Chapter 6 : Escape From Hawkins Lab pt. 2

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"Sofie, I'm tired." El complained from behind me. 

We had been walking through the woods for about an hour I presume. 

"El, we can't stop walking. If we stop, they'll find us and take us back." I said to her while looking around our surroundings. 

"My feet hurt." She complained as she caught up with me and held my hand. 

"I know, but you just have to give me a minute to try and figure out where we are." I paused and thought for a second then began again, "why don't we try this. I'll give you a piggyback ride and try to carry you as far as I can so that you can rest your feet for a little while, okay?"

"Okay." She said as I squatted down allowing her to get onto my back before continuing to walk towards I don't even know where. 

I felt really bad for her. This was her first time in the outside world and it's not going that great. we're being hunted down and we've been running barefoot through a forest with lots of sharp rocks and twigs. 

I carried her a really far way. She didn't weigh much, and wasn't very tall. But, what was kind of wearing me down was that, I too was exhausted. I think she might have fallen asleep. I didn't want her to worry, but I was really starting to freak out. I thought we were still in Hawkins, but I'm not sure anymore. Some words of advice, don't walk through the woods at night. Everything looks the goddamn same. 

I was considering resting for a bit because my feet were killing me, but I couldn't stop. I didn't know how far away we were from that place but as of right now we're not far enough. 

i was really tired so my pace slowed down a little bit, but we were still making progress through the forest, or so I hoped. 

El had woken up by now, but didn't want to get down yet so I let her stay there. She was being really quiet so I assumed she had fallen asleep again. I stopped to catch my breath. I sat down on a rock that I found. I closed my eyes for a little bit. I had been awake for several hours. I thought I was finally going to be able to rest when I heard voices in the distance. 

"They couldn't have gotten far!" 

"One girl with a shaved head, and the other with short wavy hair!" 

"Both in gowns and barefoot!" 

"Shit!" I cursed silently to myself. 

"Sofie they found us!" El said while starting to panic. 

I was also starting to panic. I looked around frantically looking for somewhere we could hide. I saw a large tree that had fallen and there was a ditch under it. I ran towards, climbed under the tree and sat in the darkest corner while holding El to my chest. I wrapped one arm around her back and the other around her head. She was shaking, hell I was too. We were both scared to death. Scared of what might happen if they found us. 

We sat and waited. Several guards walked around and past the ditch we were hiding in. None of them smart enough to actually look in the ditch. We heard their footsteps retreating, as they became a very faint sound until it was completely gone. We both let out a shaky breath. I stood up in the ditch and looked around. It was a big ditch. Secure, very dark, but secure. I decided that we were going to stay here. At least until the sun came up. Me and El cuddled into a corner and fell asleep. It wasn't a good sleep, but at least we were able to sleep. 

Several Hours Later

I started waking up. I opened my eyes and saw that there was sunlight pouring into the darkness of the ditch we were hiding in. I looked to my side and saw El cuddled up next to me, fast asleep. 

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