Chapter 18 : Let's Do This

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I felt like I was going crazy. I felt so stupid. Why didn't I act faster? Why didn't I think of the axe sooner? Why didn't I use my powers? Why didn't I do the right thing? If I had done the right thing, Will would be here right now. If I had been here for him the night we went missing, he would be here right now. 

Everything was running circles around my head. It was like a broken record that kept skipping, and skipping, and skipping, and skipping, and skipping. I was gonna drive myself insane. 

Mom and I were still on the floor now. We had stopped crying hours ago, but we were freezing from our new addition to the house.

I didn't have the energy to get up off the ground. To help Mom get off the ground. Night had fallen and there was no sign of Jonathan anywhere. 

I was starting to fall asleep when lights flashed in my face. This woke Mom up and she immediately got up and threw open the door. I slowly got up off the floor and walked over to the open door. She had run out towards whatever was outside. When I looked out, I was met with a nightmare. 

Lonnie was here. He was hugging Mom. Her back was to me, and he was facing me. He was staring at me. 

With his arm still draped over her shoulder, he walked both of them over to the open door where I was standing. I took three steps back inside the house, before turning my back to them and walking over to our home phone. I needed to be away from him. I could not stand to be breathing the same air. 

Where the hell was Jonathan?

I picked up the phone and started dialing the number to the restaurant he worked at. 


"Hi, um I'm sorry for the late call but by any chance is Jonathan working tonight?"

"Jonathan who?"

"Byers. Jonathan Byers?"

"I haven't seen him in 2 weeks."


"Yeah. Are you his sister?"


"Do you want to go out some time?"


I slammed the phone back down on the receiver. 


I cringed and I stilled. 

"What do you want?"

"I want to talk to you."

"Well, that's too bad." I grumbled while pushing past him and going to my room.

I could hear him following me but as soon as I shut the door, I locked it. I was not in the mood for his bullshit. I decided that with the time on my hands, I was going to take a shower and clean around my room while I waited for Jonathan to get home. 

I had fallen asleep for a few hours, and the sun was coming out. I walked out of my room and out to the living room. Mom and Lonnie were asleep on the couch. I rolled my eyes and turned away from them. 

I heard a car pull into the driveway, and I quietly made my way outside. It was finally Jonathan. 

"Where the hell have you been?" 

"I was with Nancy." 

"Wheeler? Why were you with Nancy?" 

"That's not important now. I believe you Sofie. I believe everything." 

I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. 

"What made you believe us?"

"Nancy showed me a picture. Well, it was a picture I took the day we were out in the woods."

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