Chapter 17 : Gone Again

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He was being so annoying. I was fine. My brother wasn't even dead. Of course, he didn't know that, but he should have just trusted me. I'm fine. I am perfectly fine. 

I had already gotten my work from most of my classes and faked being upset so many times to several teachers. I honestly just wanted to go home I didn't even want to stay for the game. 

"Hey, Byers!" 

I recognized that voice. I turned around and came face to face with an old friend. 

"Hey Eddie." I replied with a small smile. 

"I don't wanna ask you about your brother because I know you're gonna snap at me." He replied with a sad smile. 

"I really wish people would stop asking me about him. I'm fine. We're fine. I don't need everyone's pity." 

"I know you don't. That's why I'm not giving you any." 

I was just staring at him. For the first time in the last three days, someone was finally treating me normally. Not like I was going to break. In this moment with Eddie, I felt like I could breathe. I felt normal again. 

I don't know what came over me, but I pulled him into a hug. 

"Thank you, Eddie." 

"For what exactly?" 

"Just being you. You're a great friend." 

"Wow, thanks Byers." He said while laughing. 

We pulled out of the hug and after a few minutes I said my goodbyes to Eddie.  He was a few years older than me, but he constantly got held back so I see him every year. Who knows, maybe he'll finally graduate this year. 

I was getting things out of my locker and getting my work all together. My final stop before the game was the bulletin board. I had to take down all my missing posters. I was fine now, and I didn't want my face all over the place. 

I ripped down the last one and walked over to the trash can by the exit. I looked through the glass doors leading out to the parking lot, and I saw Steve, Tommy and Carol. I walked out and went over to them.

As soon as they saw me, Tommy and Carol walked away laughing. 

"Steve? Are you okay?" 

He took a deep breath before answering, "I'm taking you home." 

"What about the game?" 

"We're not watching it anymore."

"Okay, you're being weird. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just get in the car." 

The whole ride to my house was silent. I was so confused. What happened in the time that I picked up all my work. Even Tommy and Carol were acting weird. 

When we pulled into my front yard, he didn't say a word. He just dropped me off and zoomed away.

Whatever tantrum he was throwing was fucking stupid. If he didn't tell me what was wrong, how and I supposed to know? Exactly my point. 

I walked to the front door and opened it. 


"Sofie, honey you're back." 


"Listen, I don't know what you think about this whole thing, but I need you to listen to me." 

"Mom, I believe you. That thing in the morgue, I don't think it's Will."

"Sofie, I'm so happy you believe me. I wish Jonathan would."

"We're gonna make him believe, Mom. I promise."

I looked away from Mom and took a second to look around the house. Our house was an absolute disaster. I took in the surroundings of the room we were standing in. 'Should I Stay or Should I Go?' was blasting throughout the house. The axe from two nights ago was on the couch. I just have to come right out and say it. 

The house was disgusting. 

"Mom, I'm just gonna start picking things up around the house. If you need me, I'll be here, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah you do that."

I went into my room and changed into a pair of tights and a knit sweater Jonathan and Will got me for my birthday. I started picking things up everywhere. There were dozens of dishes and missing posters around the kitchen. The counters were sticky, and the sink was overflowing. 

I had been cleaning for a good hour now. Mom was still blasting music in the living room. I'm not really sure what she thought it would do, but if it was keeping her calm for now, I was all for it. 

I had finally been able to reach the surface of the table. There was so much stuff hogging our poor table, that I don't even know how it was still standing. 

I had already finished cleaning the kitchen and picking up around the boys' rooms. I had finished picking things up around Mom's room when I heard thudding. I looked around me and there was nothing. 

I walked farther down the hall, and I could still hear it. When I made it into the living room Mom was staring at the wall. I walked over to the coffee table and turned off the music.

"Mom, do you hear that?" 


The thudding only got louder. It was clear now that it was indeed coming from the wall. I took a step closer, and not only could I hear the thudding, but something was making little noises. 

I put my ear to the wall, and I could hear everything clear as day that it was coming from inside the wall. 

"Mom! Sofie! Jonathan!" 

"Will!" Mom exclaimed, while pushing me out of the way and touching the wall. 

"Will, honey can you hear me?" 


I was in complete shock. She pushed past me again and towards the front door. She threw it open and ran outside.

"Will! Will can you hear me?" I shouted. 


Mom ran back in from outside.

"Mom, he's in the wall!" 

We both pulled at the wallpaper and ripped it down. 

There was a red wall with what looked like bubbles. It looked alive almost. But there he stood. My little brother. Will Byers was alive. 

"Mom! Sofie!" 

"Will, where are you?! H-how can I get to you?!"

"It's like home! But it's dark and empty! And it's so cold!" 

"Will, we're gonna find you!" 

"Mom! Sofie! It's coming!" 

"Will, you need to hide!" I told him. 

"I wanna go home!" 

"Listen, listen! We're going to find you but for right now you need to run! Run!" Mom told him. 

I felt my eyes watering, while watching him run away from us. Suddenly, I snapped back into my senses and ran towards the couch. I picked up the axe and hurried back over to the wall. The red was disappearing and turning in the regular wall. 

"Mom, move!" 

I started hitting the wall repeatedly, but it was too late. The barrier of whatever it was, was closed. It was gone. 

Now we had no Will, and large hole in the wall. 

"No! He was just here!" I yelled, frustrated. 

"Sofie, he was just here!" Mom started breaking down. 

I couldn't be strong anymore. I broke down too. He was just here, and now he was gone again. 

I hugged her while we both cried. We had just found him, and he was gone all over again. 

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