Chapter 20 : For the money

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"Don't die or do anything stupid while I'm gone, please." 

"I'll be fine Sofie. Just don't take too long." 

"Alright, I'll be back as soon as I can." 

I started driving towards the middle school. I cannot believe Lonnie asked me to do this. 

I parked the car and started to make my way inside. I had a hard time finding the office. Which was a little weird, considering I went to middle school here. 

"Hello, how may I help you?"

 "Hi, I'm Sofia Byers. I'm here to collect my brothers' things." 

"Oh, Ms. Byers." Here it comes. "I am so sorry for your loss."

I am so sorry for your loss

My condolences

I am so sorry for your loss

My condolences

I guess that's all everyone has to say.

The secretary gave me Will's schedule and his locker combination. I walked slowly and lifelessly to each of his classes. Collecting old projects and assignments. 6 classes later and I had made it to his locker. I struggled to unlock it, but when I did, I felt my eyes well up with tears. He had drawings and pictures all over his locker. Pictures of him at science fairs with Dustin, Lucas and Mike. Pictures of Mom Jonathan and I all together. 

I miss my little brother so much. It's a sort of void that I don't know how to fill. The only way it can be filled is by getting my brother back. 

I didn't even realize I had started crying until I felt the tears running down my face. 


"Eddie!" I inhaled a sharp breath and quickly wiped my tears. "What are you doing here?"

"Wanna start a DND club. Trying to recruit 8th graders." 

"That's cool. Had any luck?"

"Not really. Do you know any kids who would be interested?" 

"My brothers' friends I guess, but they're in 7th grade." 

"Shit, all these kids are babies." 

I laughed a bit at his comment. 

"They only seem like babies because you're old, Eddie." I laughed. 

"Byers, I'm really sorry about Will. How are you?" 

I felt time stop. No one had asked me how I was. I never realized until this moment that it had been so long since someone asked me how I felt. How I was holding up. 

"I'm okay, Eddie." I plastered on a fake smile.

"Sofie, I know that fake smile. It's okay to be sad." 

"I'm fine. Really."

"Fine, but at least let me help you carry all his things out to your car." 

He helped me carry mostly everything. I just told him to shove it all into the backseat of the car. 

"Well, you let me know if you need anything Byers. I'm always here for you." Eddie said, while pulling me into a hug. 

"Thanks Eddie. You're the best." I smiled and pulled away from his embrace. 

I got into Jonathan's car and started making my way home. All Jonathan had asked me to get from the house was flashlights and extra bullets for the gun. 

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