1571 - 1580

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1571. People with higher IQ levels dream more than an average.

1572. Men, women and children experience anger differently.

1573. The conscious has the will , the subconscious has the power.

1574. People expect your behavior to conform to known patterns and conventions. Your task as a strategist is to upset their expectations.

-Robert Greene

1575. A study conducted in United Kingdom found that whenever a woman finds a man attractive, she speaks with a higher pitched voice.

1576. If a person is successful, we imagine they are probably also ethical, conscientious and deserving of their good fortune. This obscures the fact that many people who get ahead have done so by doing less than moral actions, which they cleverly disguise from view.

-Robert Greene

1577. When you dream your body paralyzed.

1578. Whereas children most often feel anger from the perspective of frustration-they can't have what they want when they want it-adults get angry when they feel out of control.

1579. Visualization is the best method to program your subconscious.

1580. Anger is an emotion characterized by antagonism toward someone or something you feel has deliberately done you wrong.

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