The dream walker

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I stood at the cliffs edge; the wind blowing strands of hair from my tightly done up bun. The sun shinning on my skin and the smell of salt filling my nostrils. What a fine day it was, nothing or no one to worry about.

Suddenly the sea started crashing against the rocks and the wind began to tare at my clothing. Fist on rain started to fall angrily down from the sky. I turned; running back to the car as fast as I could but my feet stayed stuck to the floor refusing to move with my thoughts.

I screamed "help me, please!" But my cries just got swept away with the wind. I stood struggling to break free when a familiar voice froze me where I stood struggling. Scott. "Hello Grey," he said as if it were just a casual meeting of two friends when he was supposed to be dead.

"Scott," I whimpered "I thought you were dead,"
"Well now you know I'm not," he replied sharply, with a glint of hatred in his eyes.
"Help me. I'm stuck I can't move,"
"What on Earth made you think I was here to help you," he cackled. "You're the reason I died, you failed me. You let me die without a fight and now you must pay." With one quick motion he raised a glowing blue knife level with my chest, devilcraft, but how could that be. I had destroyed devilcraft over 2 years ago and there wasn't supposed to be any left. With one last look at Scott the knife plunged into my chest, I felt the magic rush through my veins sending me into a fit of never ending shiver. I tumbled and feel; the pain taking over my body. This was going to kill me, but how could that be I was a Nephilim, I was immortal. But with the lighting fading I closed my eyes.

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