The team of few and more

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The morning was well under way as Patch and I sat in his jeep, on the way to meet our potential new team mates. Patch said it was lucky he already had a friend with the type of knowledge and power Scott was looking for. Patch said Scott had tried to recruit his friend but for some reason Scott let him live, probably thought he'd change his mind.

We pulled into a normal neighbourhood with normal looking people. I expected to be meeting Patch's friend in some sort of abandoned building, obviously not. Patch parked the car out side a brightly coloured brick house with two small windows at the front of the house. Flower pots hung from the walls, dripping with water, it seemed like a lovely little family home but I knew better.

Patch laid a heavy knock on the door as mumbled voices came from the other side "is it him?" Said a female voice from inside "yes," a male voice replied. Clicks and locks sifting where heard through the door before it was flung open. A tall lanky man of probably the same age as Patch stood before us. He had dusty brown hair and sky blue eyes that looked even more blue because of his hair. "Patch! Good to see you mate, oh and who is this?" He said wiggling his eyebrow at me. Patch put a protective arm around my shoulder "this is Nora, my girlfriend," he emphasised on the world girlfriend. "Lovely to meet you I'm George, do come in," he smiled as we entered a small hall with flowery wallpaper and carpet, as if he heard my thoughts he said "I like to keep the place peaceful," Amen to that. Four people stepped round the corner, three being male "guys this is Patch and Nora," George said gesturing to us "Patch and Nora this is Mark, he controls water," he gestured to a boy a head taller than me with blond hair. He looked early twenties with blue eyes which I thought symbolised his water 'power'. "This is John, he controls the earth," George pointed towards a middle age man with brown hair and matching eyes he held out a kind hand "nice to meet you," I smiled back at him. George continue "this is Julie," a girl just a bit taller than me with black hair her eyes full of hate "why are we doing this for them, their murders," she snarled before sulking upstairs. "Sorry about her, one of her friends was one of the fallen angels sent to hell and who sadly died later, my they forever rest in piece," George apologised. Patch's hand tightened on my shoulder, it wasn't your fault Angel, he said to me in my head, I didn't have time to respond as George carried on introducing people. "And this young man here is Brendon, he controls bone," a good looking boy stepped forwards, he wore a kind expression on his pale face. His hair was white too and one of his eyes green the other blue. He held a stick like figure, which maked him look fragile and precious like a China doll. "It's a pleasure to meet you. Sorry about Julie she's a bit sinful at the moment," he said calmly, I already liked Brendon. "Okay this is good," Patch said obviously pleased with himself "now we have something Scott doesn't. How well can you control people and move their bones?" This question was directed at Brendon "um... Pretty well, like I can make people move and I can break bones but I can only be in control of one person at a time and within a certain distance," right now we really had a chance. Patch made an approving noise we've got our team, Angel , with a bit of training we can do this Patch said into my head I really think we can I replied.

"So, George what is your special 'power'," I asked. He gave me a gleeful smile "well I, miss Grey, have the power of knowledge," that had me intrigued. "All my family hand powers like Mark, Brendon, Julie, John but I didn't. I grew up around them so I know how to train people with these special abilities and help them master their skills, I'm also not a bad fighter," for some reason this surprised me just because of the way George enter the room, he always entered with a purpose. "I think that may be why Scott let me go, when he realised I was of no use to him, he didn't bother to test my skills," George smiled proudly. "Why are you different to the rest of your family?" I wondered out loud. "I believe everyone has a purpose and mine obviously wasn't to be like my family, I'm still waiting on what my purpose actually is but I still believe I have one," what was my purpose then?

Patch and George went into the kitchen to talk battle strategy and to plan training times whilst Brendon, Mark, John and I spoke a bit more in the sitting room. "So how did you guys all meet?" I asked
"We were all fighting with the fallen angels when they dropped dead. We found each other lost and alone on the battlefield," Mark said seriously. "And we've been together ever since," Brendon added. We sat in silence for a few moments before Mark announced that he was going to see what was taking Patch and George so long, John followed, leaving me and Brendon.
We made small talk for what felt like ages till Brendon surprised me with his comment "your very pretty," he blushed, making his pale face even paler and the blush brighter. I was just about to respond when a voice from the door replied "yea, she is isn't she," Patch said coming to sit next to me in the small chair, Brendon averted his eyes as Patch kissed my forehead.

George, Julie, Mark and John filled into the living room placing themselves on the sofa or on chairs. "So?" Julie signed impatiently "what's going to happen?" I looked up at Patch but George was the one who spoke "we've got it figured out, Monday to Wednesday I'll training you guys to use your maximum amount of 'power' and helping you really get to grips and fulfil your full potential whilst Patch does weapons with Nora. Then Thursday to Saturday I'll teach you hand to hand combat," he paused, interrupted by Julie "George you already know I have pretty much mastered my fire so can I do training with you Monday then weapons with Patch Tuesday and Wednesday," she winked at Patch which had me leaning in closer to him Angel he laughed into my head. "Sure," George said wearily "but also we don't have enough time to keep going back and forth from houses so we're moving into Patch's cottage for a bit," he eyed them all up but no one objected "go pack we leave in an hour."

They all filtered out of the room in a hurry but Mark stared at me a moment longer before pushing out of the chair and stumping up the stairs. "I made sure they came to us this time as I didn't want to have to move you again," he mumbled into my hair, sending a shiver of warmth through my body "thank you," I replied simply, wanting to fall asleep in his arms. "Does this training routine work okay for you?" Patch questioned looking at me to see if my sleepy features changed "yea, I'm just happy we're finally putting our plans into action. Plus I get to spend hours training with my hot angel boyfriend," I teased, not mentioning Julie's part in our training. Patch gave me a cheeky grin and held me close until it was time to go to the cottage of which I was calling home for now.

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