Shallow Secrets

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Patch and I entered the kitchen to find everyone already there. My cheeks heated, knowing what Patch and I had just done and Mark seemed to know too as he gave me a cheeky grin and wiggle his eyebrows at me, making kissing motions with his lips. Patch gave Mark a stern glare which seemed to encourage Mark to carry on with his kissing movements, which in the end made me laugh.

George was turned with his hands on the counter facing the wall as Patch and I got seated. I scanned the table seeing Mark, Brendon, Julie, John and Ben, who was sat as far away from Brendon and Mark as possible. I felt kind of sorry for Ben with his swollen face and black eye but then again I hated the guy for doing that to Mark and his mother. George turned to face Ben "are you prepared to help us take Scott down?" George asked Ben in a strong voice, Ben searched the faces round the table, taking an extra second looking at his son but Mark refused to meet his eyes. "I am," said Ben his voice wobbled a bit, George gave Ben a pat on the back "you got any talents?" Questioned Patch, Mark let out a harsh laugh filled with Venom. Ben gave Mark a kicked puppy look before replying "I'm wise, I have an age advantage over most of you and I've helped and looked out for Patch for many years so I've learnt many battle techniques. Please, with me on your team I'll be able to help you train and George I can help take some of the responsibility off you. I've dealt with people with your abilities and I know some of them have downfalls with there powers but I know how to train them." Mark shook his head and stormed out the room "welcome aboard Mr. Adams," George shook Bens hand "please call me Ben."

Patch, George and the others headed down to the basement to start to think of a training routine while I went to go find Mark. I only knew one place he could be and luckily my first guess was right, I walked into Marks, shared, makeshift bedroom in the attic. Mark laid fully stretched out on his bed with his hands behind his head. Mark didn't acknowledge me as I sat down on the bed next to his legs, he stayed staring blankly up at the ceiling "a broken man, will always be broken, a violent one, always violent, a bruise one, will always be scarred. Is this what we want as a leader?" Mark said, his eyes almost black "give him a chance, Mark, come on we all deserve a second chance," I said gleefully "not him," Mark spat. "Oh come on Mark," I said starting to get annoyed with him because if I had a dad, a proper one, I'd always forgive him, sadly my dad was dead and tried to get Patch and I killed.

"You don't know anything!" Screamed Mark, I heard foot steps coming up the stairs but Mark obviously didn't. "You don't know shit about what I've been through!" Mark continued to shout, I saw Patch enter the room please stay back I said into his mind fine but if he touches you, I'll kill him Patch snarled. "Guess what Mark you're not the only one with daddy problems! My dad is dead! He tried to kill me and now I'm left with his problems! I've had to leave my mum for this! Get over yourself!" I shouted in reply, now I was mad, Patch knew it too Angel calm down, he said into my head. Mark shot up from his bed and so did I, Patch stepped slightly further into the room but kept his distance. "At least you still have a mother! You know how I told you that I drown people, my downfall?" I nodded "well one day I got mad at my mother, she came back one day for my birthday after she left me with dad, I was so happy she was back," Mark took a shuddered breath and sat back down on the bed with his hands running through his hair. "Well later she told me that she was leaving again, that she still didn't want to have to live with Ben. I begged her to take me with her but she refused, she told me I was safer with Ben because she didn't have enough money to support us both," Mark's eyes started to look glassy, I also took note of how Mark called him Ben and not dad, I sat down next to him our shoulders touching. "I was so mad with her, I couldn't believe it, she started chocking on her own spit. I knew it was me doing it but I couldn't stop, tears slid down her face as I stood and watched her die, five seconds and she was dead." Tear were full on falling now, I put my arm over Mark's shoulder, tears started to sting my eyes too.

"It's a shit world sometimes," he said "full of shit people," I added "I'll toast to that," Patch said fully entertaining the room. "I've known your dad a long time, before you were born, he always had my back, I'm not defending him because he has gone to shit creek since you were born but I hope this is him trying to make amends." Mark got up and shook hands with Patch and left the room "are you okay?" Patch asked, I nodded and put my arms around his waist and hugged him. I felt his strong arms rap around me "George is just about to explain the battle plan," Patch mumbled into my hair "let's go down and meet them, shall we?" Patch held his arm out like a prince leading his princess to the ball, I took his arm and walked down stairs.

We all sat in a small circle listening to George's two week plan "so," George started "we will have three people who will be coaches to the remaining people, so Patch, myself and Ben will be the coaches," he gave them both a stern look as if to say you better be okay with, they both nodded. "Patch as you have little knowledge on our special abilities..." George started "I know enough," Patch cut in "fine, your group is Mark and Brendon," I could feel Patch's annoyance of having Brendon in his group but he didn't argue. "Ben you have John and Julie," Ben gave George a nod "and baby girl," I wondered how many nicknames I could handle before I exploded princess, Angel, baby girl! "you get me all to yourself because I'm guessing Scott's main aim will be on you so I think you need and extra bit of training," Patch went to object but George beat him to it "you won't always be there to protect her," George said giving Patch a harsh look, I held Patch's hand, I gave his hand a squeeze which seemed to relax him.

"Battle strategy," George's eyes glint with life as he explained his plan "evacuate this village two days before Scott is due, then we wait and train, getting weaponry ready etc... We somehow get Scott onto the fields just by the cottages and use that as our battle ground," he stops to take a breath "what does everyone think?" Everyone sat in silence before Ben said "I've had to deal with people like Scott before and trust me they never play fair, we need to recruit more members before we can stand and fight him. I can go and get more people."


As soon as Ben finished his thought I instantly tensed up, I could tell Nora notice as she gave my hand another squeeze, which was really starting to drive me mad. Why would Ben volunteer to go get recruits? Last time I saw him he had more enemies than allies and even his allies weren't that strong. "Actually I'd rather Patch go because I can look after his group while he's gone but you need to stay here," George said looking straight at Ben suspiciously, I relaxed a bit. "But Patch I'm sending Nora with you," I tensed up again "because I know she will stop you taking unnecessary risks," I turned to look at Nora who had a very smug grin on her face, I rolled my eyes at her, a ghost of a smile making its way onto my lips. "Tomorrow you two will set off and you will return two days later," George announces "is that clear?" We both nodded. The rest of the day we spent training until I carried my Angel to bed.

So my friends we are quickly coming to the end of my after hush, hush fanfic. I just want to say thank you for getting this story to 1K views and 100 likes. I was just wondering  that after this fanfic has come to an end what would you like me to write next? More Fanfic mortal instruments, Angel fall, Mara Dyer etc... of  would you want me to write something of my own? (Please leave a comment.)  But don't worry there is still a good few chapters left so please keep on reading!!

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