Patch's first thoughts

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The training hall/ basement was a dark, very large, room all made of concrete. Lights ran along the walls at an attempt to light the large room without much success. Scattered all around the room was gym equipment and mats that had obviously been all pulled together to make a sort of boxing ring.

Patch, Brendon, Julie, Mark, John and I, all stood round the mats whilst George stood in the middle "so here is your only reminder feet shoulder width apart your hands are the only thing that is going to protect you. Let's get on with it then, shall we? Right first match Patch and I then Mark v Brendon and finally Julie v Nora," Julie glared at me before turning her head and smiling at George. "John shall not fight thanks to medical circumstances," George finished like he was one of the TV presenters.

George and Patch made their way into the centre of the 'ring', facing each other with their hands up protecting there faces and stomachs from any game winning acts. I watched them carefully trying to gain tips for my fight but it was hard to concentrate with Patch about to be possibly beaten up!
"Ready?" Mark asked, the boys both nodded "then start your fight you lazy bastards!" The boys circle the edge of the 'ring', never losing eye contact, waiting to see who was going to make the first move. George moved first, lunging in to place a punch on Patch's face, but he easily side stepped it, throwing a punch to George's stomach, he stumbled back but didn't fall. As he was regaining his balance Patch drove in and punched George right in the jaw "so we're playing dirty are we Patch?" George said giving Patch a dangerous smile "don't believe there's any other way to play," Patch replied with just as deadly a smile. George looked at me with worried eyes which automatically had Patch turing to make sure I was okay. Patch's eyes widened as he realised his mistake, he fell forward as he took a blow right to the head, I flinched, it taking all my thought not to run out there and help him. George already had a smug grin on his face "know your enemy's weaknesses," George laughed. George raised his foot, readying himself to kick Patch but Patch had found a better tactic. He rolled out of the direct line of fire of George's foot and kicked George backwards with his two legs, George hit the floor with a thud. It a quick flash Patch was on top of George holding his fingers to George's neck like a knife. "Tip, messing with my girl isn't my weakness it makes me stronger," Patch said quietly but loud enough to warn the rest of the group. "And the winner is Patchy poo!" Laughed Mark, proud of his statement that made Patch grimace. "very good Patch!" George said delighted, considering he's just been put on his arse. Both the boys had bruises on their faces and a small amount of blood had started to make its way down from Patch's head, otherwise they both looked fine.

The fight between Mark and Brendon didn't last very long. After Mark asked if he could use his 'powers' and a stiff no from George, the fight began. But as Brendon went to hit Mark in the face a lakes worth of Water was plunged down on Brendon, which sent Mark into a laughing fit. Brendon seemed even more ghost like now as the light in the room reflected off water that soaked his body. Brendon smiled at Mark just as a massive crack sounded through the room followed by a loud groan and a considerable amount of swearing. "Stop breaking my fingers you ares hole!" Shouted Mark as another load of water landed on Brendon "the next person to use their ability for bad will have to kiss Julie!" George screeched and joked at the same time "don't do it guys it's not worth it!" John who had been quiet, laughed "yea, it's not worth it, Brendon," Mark nodded "but if it was Nora..." He said wiggling his eye brow at me, which had me rolling my eyes and Patch pulling me close and of course Mark laughing at Patch's reaction. "The next person to make a joke about kissing will be burned!" Julie growled, but Mark being Mark he had to have the last say "hey Julie, kiss my arse," I had to cover my mouth to stop me from laughing but Mark didn't even try, he was laughing hysterically and tears were making there way into his eyes. You could just about smell the smoke when George bellowed "I swear to God, Julie, if you set him on fire the others will get the chance to release their abilities on you," everyone went quiet apart from Mark's breathy laughs. "Nora, Julie, you're up."

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