The devils handcuffs

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I walked down the creaky old stairs to the farm house, boxes in hand, taking in every last smell as I left my childhood home for good. I could still smell christmas cookies and hear the laughter of family as we watched ridiculous TV shows.

I couldn't believe I was never coming back here, I worked so hard and gave up so much so my mom and I could afford to live here. But all attempts now were worthless, this house or Patch, Patch, every time.

The the box I carried contained the last of my things; pictures, books, clothes. Patch had helped clear my room out as I walked around the rest of the house swallowing my sobs as I looked for abandoned toys or clothing. Patch had just gone to load the car and I was on my way to join him when my mother stopped me with a hard hand. "You are the devil, I always knew you were," she purred, as if pleased with her statement. "Mom, I am sorry I'm leaving but this is no way to act," I stated softly, as if her words weren't eating away at me.

I turned to leave but her hand clamped around my shoulder. I froze sending a quick thought to Patch 'HELP!' But there was no reply, it wasn't that I was scared of my mom more that I needed Patch with me. "Look at me!" She screeched, digging her nails into my shoulder, forcing me round. I found her eyes staring a great glowing blue down at me. Devilcraft. 'HELP!' I screamed at Patch again but still no reply.

"You think your little lover boy can keep you safe? No, not this time. Scott will find you eventually and you shall regret the day you ever failed him!" The monster inside my mom said flaring its nostrils.

"Who are you and why are you working for Scott?" I question "it does not matter who I am and what I want but all that does matter is that I don't work for him but with him," it snarled. "Why what's in it for you?" I said flatly, feeling brave "again, let's just say I've been waiting a while and now it's mine," devilcraft I had no doubt. "Bye Nora Grey, until we meet again at the final battle ," the colour drained from my moms eyes and she feel to the floor with a thud. The last battle, what did it mean? And what was to come?

Minutes later mom was in bed and I still couldn't communicate with Patch, I was starting to get scared. 'Patch,' I thought begging he'd hear me 'Ang...Angel,' a beaten voice rang through my head, I went cold with fear. 'Where are you?'
'By the car.'

I ran to the door and throwing it open, tumbling as I ran down the steps to the front porch. I scanned the drive way assessing the mist swallow my path for any sign of Patch. I walked cautiously towards the car when I saw a black figure slumped against the car, I ran.

Patch laid against the car blood pouring from a bump on his head and his hands shake, gripping his back. I knelt down in between his legs facing him, my hands running up and down his legs.
"What happened?"
"Someone or something got me from behind," he took a sharp breath in as I moved his hands off his back, so I held them between mine. "I never knew how much pain hurt... until this ," he joked but I could see his swollen red glassy eyes, he'd been crying. "They hit me in my wing scars and that hurts an angel who can feel so this bloody hurts," he joked again but a flash of pain went through his eyes.

"Devilcraft is back, someone working with Scott just possessed my mom and now you're hurt, I can't take it anymore. I need to get away from you so you don't get hurt again," I cried, tasting my salty tears in my mouth. "You're not going anywhere, Angel, if you leave I'll hurt more and I promised to protect you plus, I love you," Patch said pulling my into a embrace. He hissed in pain that had me instantly jolting away but Patch pulled me closer "it's worth it for you. Just sit here with me a minute then let's get home. And, Angel, I love you forever," he said "and always," I sigh in reply, resting my head on his chest.

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