The first horror

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I was walking through a field with Patch we were laughing in between the infinite amount of kisses he was placing on my face, this was perfect. "I love you so much," as soon as the words left my mouth the clouds dominated the sky and all the flowers wilted, I looked to Patch for reassurance but he was no longer holding my hand. He hand a blue shinning blade pressed up against his neck, the swords owner was faceless but was still able to talk, into my head. He warned you, the dark figure sliced the blade across Patch's neck, he fell to the ground lifeless. I screamed.

I screamed and my eyes flew open, something strong and muscular was wrapped around me, I struggled, I was about to scream when I heard a familiar voice "Angel, please stop struggling," Patch's voice pleaded with me. I stopped struggling instantly and went slack in his arms "shhh," he said petting my hair like a wounded animal. It was the first of the dreams I whispered into Patch's head, not feeling strong enough to speak yet. "Shh," Patch said again, I could see the pain in Patch's eyes at me hurting and him not being able to help me. "You were killed in it I w...w... Was frozen I couldn't help you," I cried, he kissed my forehead "yes but I'm here, Angel, I'm here," he said his softly. I tucked my head into the crock of Patch's neck, he tucked a lose strand of my hair behind my ear. I kissed his neck and goose bumps instantly appeared on his skin, he let out a boyish groan "not now Angel, as much as I want to, and I really want to we need to make a move soon if we are going to get enough recruits," I pulled away from Patch and looked at the clock 2:09am, I gave Patch a tired look. He pulled me back into the circle of his arms "don't worry you can get some sleep in the car," he said kissing my forehead.

I threw on a scruffy pair of jeans and a short sleeve T-shirt, covered by a blue and black checked shirt. I then put my blue Vans on and waited for Patch to get ready, he wore a black top, black trousers, black shoes and a black, scuffed,  leather jacket. He looked like a dark angel ready for battle, but a very hot dark angel at that "come on," he said. We walked down the stairs in a daze of sleep, the house was quiet as everyone else slept soundly in there beds "did you tell George we're leaving?" I asked "no, I've just left him a note saying that we've gone off on his mission," I didn't ask him anymore questions as I was too tired to bother.

We walked like zombies out to the car, it was freezing, when I got into the car I could see my breath. I started to shiver, Patch leaned over and gave me his jacket I took it off him with a smile, which I don't think reached my eyes. We started our long drive to who knew where, I was on the verge of sleep when an imagine dragons song came on the radio, I was up in an instant. I started singing "I'm waking up to ash and dust I wipe my brow and I sweat my rust I'm  breathing in the chemicals..." Many different notes came flying out my mouth, filling the car with off pitch harmonies and notes. I could see Patch's eyes crease out the corn of my eye before he started to laugh, hysterically, I raised my eyebrows at him as he made jesters that suggests I'd just burst his ear drums. He continued to laugh at my all too serious face, he was about to speak when I interrupted him "I love this bit... Hush! This is the best bit!" I filled my lungs with air and got ready to give the song justice!! "Radioactive! Radioactive! Whoo oh, whoo oh, Radioactive! Radioactive !" Patch was laughing so hard that tears had started to form in his eyes, which made my hear flutter with his deep laughs vibrating the air around us "did you enjoy the song nearly as much as you enjoyed my singing?" I asked, he gave me a small smile "your singing was... Interesting but I can't say much for the song though " Patch smiled, I loved Patch very much but in the future if he insulted imagine Dragons I might just sing their songs till his ear drums really burst. "Well what would you say good music is then?" I asked generally curious. "Well I prefer the Smiths, if I had to choose from your human music that is," Patch started singing "sing me to sleep, sing me to sleep I don't want to wake up on my own anymore, don't try to wake me in the morning because I will be gone..." Patch's voice rang throughout the car, it was beautiful, his voice was like a church choir but only made by one person "that's a very sad song," I said breathlessly to Patch, as his song took its full effect on me, he nodded his eyes looking sad, I gave him a knowing look.

I fell asleep with my head pressed up against the window, I was no longer afraid of the nightmare as I knew Patch was awake next to me driving but also the fact I wasn't due one till tonight, so I thought I get my sleep while I could.

I woke up to a soft had on my shoulder "Angel come on," Patch's soft voice vibrated through my body. I opened my eyes slowly to find a very tired Patch looking down on me "are you okay?" I asked, worry slowly making its way into my voice "Angel I'm fine, now come on." I could tell by his voice he was nervous, either because he was meeting with old foe or because he was worried for my safety.

We walked down many small streets and back allies before we came to a small door at the back of a large grey factory. "Have you got any back story for me on this one?" I asked wanting to know what to expect "his name is Todd, he has about a gang of 50 well trained fighters, he's been around a long time. He was one of the fallen angels who managed to escape hell and by the way he's completely crazy," I didn't have time to dwell on it as Patch threw the door open and waltzed in looking like he owned the place. I scurried in behind him, the factory was a large room filled with rusting equipment and spiders webs. It had very few lights so the room was engulfed in shadows, Patch looked like a night creature as he walked the perimeter of the factor. "Todd, I know you're here!" Shouted Patch, his voice bounced off the walls sending echoes throughout the building. I felt a gust of wind run pass me and then a very cold, boney hand on my shoulders, I jumped away from the hand, screaming, Patch was next to me in seconds "come on Todd stop playing games," bellowed Patch. Keep it cool, his soft voice sounded through my head "so you brought a pretty girl, is she part of the bargain?" A voice sounded from the shadows, I shuffled closer to Patch "no, she isn't but get your butt down here and you might get something out of it." A strangely shaped figure stepped out of the shadows, he looked different but I couldn't put my finger on what made him look like that.

"Ah, Patch, I hear your building an army," Todd said murderously calm. He had light green eyes and manic red hair which made his pale skin look paler. "Yes, and I hear you have men ready to fight," Patch said calmly
"yes I do," Todd said simply
He's playing a game Patch said into my head, then be one place ahead of him I replied.
"I'd like you men to come and join us in our fight,"
"And what is it exactly your fighting for?" He questioned.
"Freedom," I said, his attention snapped to me "to be able to live without danger."
"And what is your name Patch's lover," Patch's face remained blank.
"Nora," I said
"Why aren't you a pretty thing," he said taking a slow up and down look at me.
"You look at her like that again and I'll snap your neck," Patch growled no longer calm.
"Deary me, that's not how we ask for help now is it Patch," Patch let out a low growl.
"And whom are we fighting?" Todd question
"Scott," I said simply
"Oh that immortal bastard, he's caused me a lot of trouble!" Todd said fire blazing in his eyes.
"I'll fight with you on one condition..." Todd said
"Spit it out," Patch snapped
"I want to deliver the killing blow."
I didn't hesitate "deal," we shook hands and what have we done Patch thought to me, the only thing we can do to get rid of Scott I replied as Patch stiffened.

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