An Angel's hug

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After going back and forth from the two cottages to collect people's belongings, everyone and everything was here. John, George, Mark and Brendon would use the attic as a bed room. There was a shouting match about who was to get the small spare room but Julie won with the comment 'you just want me to be up in the attic with you so you can watch me change, PERVERTS!' That had the boys handing the room over to her quickly but Mark had said 'that he'd never really liked watching pigs undress ' which of course had him, Patch and me laughing and of course Julie swearing at Mark. Patch and I kept hold of the big room and the basement was to be used as a training room.

By the time all of this was decided and people had unpacked it was getting close to midnight. Brendon, George and John made there way up to the attic whilst Mark stayed downstairs to finish watching whatever horror film he had put on. Julie had also made her way up to bed, giving the boys a smug smile as she hopped up stairs. Knowing I was already tired, Patch suggested we should go upstairs which I was silently thanking him for. At the top of the stairs Julie's door creaked open a bit as she stepped out in pyjamas showing way to much skin. As she walked past us to the bath room she glared at me and giggled good night to Patch and slammed the bath room door. "Come on babe lets go to bed," I said loud enough for Julie to hear. Patch gave me a puzzled look mouthing babe then saying into my head you know I only have eyes for you, Angel I nodded I know, but please reply out loud so she gets the idea I pleaded. He gave me a smile then rolled his eyes "yea okay, Angel, I love you so much and no one will ever come between us," he said loudly but truthfully. I smiled at him, nodded my thanks, grabbed his hand, pulled him in the room and shut the door. "I'm getting changed into my pyjamas," I announced, Patch turned and locked our bedroom door, I raised my eyebrows at him. "What? Don't want those perverts upstairs walking in," he said, I could see the amusement in his eyes which made me laugh. He stepped into the middle of the room where I stood. He leaned his neck down so there was less than an inch between us "you're so beautiful," he said "I love you...," Before he could finish I pulled him down the rest of the way, his soft lips making my body melt. I ran my hands up his chest gently pushing him away "come on Angel boy kissing is not sleeping," I said, Patch obviously wanting more said "yea but it's more enjoyable." I moved his hungry hands off my hips and back down to his sides, walking towards the bathroom to get ready for bed.

Teeth brushed, face washed I was ready for bed. I wore stripy short shorts and a black sort sleeve top with a quote on it saying 'whatever you are be a good one,' in large white letters. I walked back into the bedroom to find Patch laying in bed half asleep already, his breaths coming out heavy and his eyelids droopy. I slid into bed next to him, being careful not wake him when his arms shot out and rapped around me. "Get some sleep," he whispered, breathing out, instantly warming my body. I snuggled into his chest, closing my eyes then quickly opening them "Patch?" I whispered into the darkness
"Yes, Angel,"
"I'm scared to fall asleep, I don't want Scott waiting for me there," I felt Patch sift to turn the bed side lamp on then I was pulled up so my head lay on Patch's chest. "He won't be, Angel. And if you're really worried I'll come to your dreams tonight and I'll keep you safe," he said in a soft voice stroking my hair. "I love you so much," I said looking him in the eyes. He kissed me between my eyebrows before turning the light off once more and pulling me towards him, rapping the bed sheets around us. And just like he promised my dreams where overcome with my Angel boy.

<this is just a random little chapter so you can get the sense how scared Nota actually is. Don't forget to vote and follow me! I'm still wondering if you want the next coming chapters to be action or if you want me to write that intimate chapter between Patch and Nora. Please comment, thank you for reading. Should update soon!>

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