Mother of too many secrets

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Patch and I sat in his jeep out side the front of my house, watching the sky change from sea blue to coal black. He held my hand to his chest smiling at some hidden memory he was replying inside his head. As I was about to say something my cell started to ring, sending vibrations through my body; making my toes tingle.

"Nora, oh thank god. Where are you?" Mom shouted through the phone.
"I'm just outside, sorry I didn't call but you know I was with Patch so there was nothing to worry about," I said but suspecting I had just made the situation worse. "Inside now," mom said bluntly before hanging up, I shoved my phone back in my pocket before turning to Patch, who was already looking at me. "Ready?" He asked, too nervous to speak I just nodded.

The walk up to my front door felt like miles but Patches hand was the only thing keeping me moving. He claimed not to be scared but I could feel his hand trembling, well I think it was his hand. We got to the front porch my knees starting to wobble too, I put a hand up ready to knock but Patch caught it with both hands 'I'll be with you,' he said into my mind, I gave him a tired smile and knocked on the door.

Mom answered the door with a disapproving glance at Patch before looking me up and down with an almost angry stare "and where the hell have you been?" She said glaring at Patch "um... Just ... With... Um," I stammered struggling to keep my wit about me "she was with me," Patch cut in, squeezing my hand.

"Stay out of this," my mom hissed, warning Patch. "Leave him alone mom, Patch means a lot to me and has saved my life countless times," I say raising my voice starting to get irritated with my mom. "Only because he puts you in them!" She shouts loosing the loving mother look. "look, mom, just listen I didn't come here to fight with you..." I start but my mom cuts in "then what did you come to say?"

'This is it,' I think to Patch 'hold your ground,' Patch replies, his grip tightened on my hand. "I'm moving in with Patch," I said holding my breath "mom..." I start but I'm cut off, suddenly falling backwards into Patches arms, a hot flush of pain spreading through my cheek. Caught in surprise, it took me a minute to proses the fact that my mom had just hit me across the face.

I hear Patches surprised voice in my head 'are you alright? I'm going to kill your mom.' I stayed frozen in his arms a few more seconds before I thought back to him 'hush a minute .'

I stood up feeling Patches hand on my waist as I regain my balance ", what?" I stammered "get your things and leave, now. I don't want to see you again you devil child. You are a disappointment to me and your father!" She bellows, tears started to sting the back of my eyes "which father," Patch said, disgust in his voice, I move closer to him so my back lean against his chest. "Get your stuff and go," mom growls and turns away. Patch raps me in his arms as we go to tare apart my childhood room.

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