The first sign of weakness

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We made our way back to the  car after our unfriendly meeting with Todd. He had agreed to help us in the end ensuring us that 50 of his well trained men would be at Patch's cottage in a week so they were there when Scott mad his ungodly appearance . I was kind of regretting that I agreed to letting Todd kill Scott but it was a small price to pay  plus  I wasn't sure I would be able to kill him myself.

After we'd left the ware house Patch had been so on edge, putting his arm around my shoulder and holding me close to his chest. I could tell seeing Todd again brought up some unwanted memories with Patch so I didn't mention how overly protective of me he was being plus I was kind of enjoying being pressed up against Patch's muscular chest.

I saw the car come into view, Patch's arm tightened on my shoulder, "what?" I asked him scanning the car park "Nothing..." he said tensely, I gave Patch a look that said I KNOW you're lying! We reached the car and Patch helped me in before going round to his side to get in himself. We sat in silence for what felt like forever until Patch said gently "sorry, Todd was following us," I looked at him confused "why would he be doing that?" I asked "probably to check we weren't reporting straight back to Scott," Patch's face was so stern and hard I leaned across the radio and kissed Patch on the corner of his mouth. He sighed "I'm sorry," that caught me off guard "what for?" Patch let out a little wiper "I should of been stronger..." I kissed him on the side of the mouth again "lets talk about this when you're not driving," I said, wanting to know how Patch was feeling "where are we going anyway?" I asked. A smile spread across Patch's face " you will have to wait and see."

Patch drove for 2 hours before we came across the a city, it was beautiful but also low key like if someone told you the name of it you'd have to look on a map to know where it was. As we got closer to the heart of the city Patch's smile was pretty much lighting up the car, I knew he was up to something. I was just taking in the sight of this amazing looking hotel when Patch stopped in front of it. Before I could even question him Patch said "we need some where to stay tonight, somewhere low key, we'll be meeting Jeremy on the other side of the city tomorrow," I couldn't remember if Patch  ever mentioned Jeremy but I assumed it was someone who was to help us fight Scott.

We walked into the hotel lobby hand in hand it was amazing!

The look on her face was amazing.

The hotel had a high ceiling and wood carvings all along the walls, it was a grand gold room lit by a massive chandelier that hung from the ceiling by a chain of golden pink. I could feel Patch watching me, I turned to look at him "no way are we staying here," I said looking back up at the massive chandelier. "yes we are," Patch simply said "I thought you said low key?" I smiled "it is."

Patch checked in under a fake name whilst I continued to explore the amazingness of this one room, I wondered what the rest of it looked like. I felt Patch's figures curl around mine "Your like it?" he breathed into my ear "how... how... did you even afford this?" I asked, it looked a million pounds "nothing compered to the look and your face when we walked through the doors," Patch laughed, avoiding the question, which meant it must of been a lot.

Our room didn't disappoint either as it was nearly twice as grand as the entrance. There was the biggest for poster bed I'd ever seen with red velvet curtains around it, it was truly beautiful. Patch made his way over to the bed, took off his shoes, and pretty much dived onto the bed . He stretched out his arms and legs revealing a little line of tanned skin just above the line of his boxers, I could feel myself blushing as Patch turned to look at me so I sat down in a chair across the room hiding my embarrassment in the actions of taking my shoes off, I could feel Patch smiling.
Patch sat up against the headboard and gestured for me to come sit with him, I got within a meter of the bed before Patch flung his arms out and pulled me onto the bed, sitting me between his open legs. He lifted his knees as a sort of arm rest and pulled me back so I was lying against his chest, Patch was like my own personal chair, I started to giggle at the thought of Patch being a chair. Patch had been listening to my thoughts too as me pulled me closer to him and started to squeeze his legs in closer .

We sat like that for awhile, me leaning into Patch's chest whilst he kissed my neck and messed with my hair "about what I said in the car, I should of protected you better when meeting Todd," Patch said sounding disappointed in himself. "Patch you know you couldn't have protected me any better than you did and so do I. You are the only reason I'm alive right now," I said softly " I'm the reason you're always almost killed!" Patch half shouted, it hurt my ears and I winced, I got up to turn and face Patch "angel I'm sorry please don't go," the weak look on Patch's face made me turn around and kneel in front of him. "Patch... At this moment in time you don't need to be the strong one and you don't have to look after me," Patch's eyes started to go cloudy. "I'm just so scared I'm going to loose you, when I came back from hell I thought you were dead and I cried for the first time in like 500 years. I was considering killing myself if I had truly lost you... The pain was too much to deal with," his voice broke "but when I saw you... I new God was still on my side, I felt so... There's no words to describe how happy I felt but... I couldn't believe it. I'm so scared... Terrified in fact, that I'm going to lose you again and this time there's no bringing you back." A single tear fell from Patch's eyes and two more fell from mine but instead of kissing Patch I leaned forward and hugged him, so tight. My arms were round his neck and my legs round his hips, his hands were also round my waist. I felt Patch crying which made me cry, before I knew it we were a mess of tears and lips but all I did know was that we were the most perfect mess to ever be on this world or any other.

Sorry I haven't updated for a while so this chapter might be slightly off but you know I'm trying! I should finish this fanfic before the new year so please tell me any other fanfic you would like me to write! I'm working on something of my own right now which I will upload some time next year. But I'd like to dedicate this chapter to melancholy-kiss    I hoped I kept it 'fluffy' enough for you!
Thank you guys!

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