Bags and boxes

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I woke up to the sound of clattering and banging. I could tell before I opened my eyes that I no longer lay in Patch's arms, the bed was cold and there was way to much space to spread out in.

I slowly opened my eyes but I groaned rolling back over as the bed room lights burned my eyes, sending them scrunching shut. The bed creaked as someone sat down next to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Angel, come on we need to get up and get out of here before dawn, I've already sorted your mom out," I took a sharp breath in, I was really doing this, going into hiding that is. Two arms rapped around my waist as I was pulled into Patch's lap, still not ready to face the light I pushed my head into the crook of his neck while he ran his hand through my hair. "All your stuff is still in boxes in the car and I've almost finished packing up here," Patch said calmly. I moved my head to look at him, straight in the eyes "you sure you want to help me?" I questioned, wanting to give him the choice to get out now "as sure as I've ever been, Angle," he said kissing my forehead.

I got dressed while patch finished packing and loaded the car. I wore a pair of blue jeans a light grey sleeveless top with a black hoodie, wanting to be comfortable for the journey ahead. I quickly combed my hair and brushed my teeth, then went to see if Patch was ready to go.

He was sat on the sofa, head in his hands, surrounded by an empty room, with empty walls, his home gone because of me. I started to feel unwilling tears slip down my face, not wanting Patch to see me cry, I turned to go but Patch looked up and gesture for me to sit next to him. I snuggle into his arms feeling his chest move up and down with his deep breaths. "I know it's going to be hard but whatever happens, I love you," Patch whispered taking me by surprise "I know," I replied simply, wiping tears from my face "I love you too and whatever happens I always will. Before I met you I didn't know what it was like to smile at someone with no reason, but now I do, I never want to stop," I say, starting to cry again.
Patch's breath caught in his throat as his eyes went glassy and his features soften "I've already, literally, been to hell and back for you and I'd do it in again in a heartbeat." We sat there caught in each other's embrace till Patch's phone started to vibrate "we've got to go now," Patch said his strong confident voice back. "Let's get on the road then you can rest," Patch picked me up and walked out the door, kicking it closed behind him.

So next stop where ever Patch is taking us, I just hope it's somewhere safe where Patch and I can prepare for the final fight.

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