The forced kiss

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I sat next to Patch on the bed as he started to regain consciousness "Patch?" I questioned, he groaned in reply, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding , relief flooded through my body. "Patch you do know those injuries wouldn't of killed me, I'm immortal, why did you inflict them on yourself?" I asked completely confused. "Also when I was fighting Julie why did you shout she was going to kill me? You already knew she couldn't," I ask gently, careful not to irritate him. "I'm sorry, Nora, I wasn't thinking all I knew was you were getting getting hurt and I had to stop it, that was the only thing I could say to get the assholes, Brendon and Mark, to move," he said groggily. "Well I'm okay," I said, laying my head down on Patch's chest who hissed out in pain, I went to move my head but Patch's hand stopped me and pulled me back. "I know but..." Patch began but I cut in quickly "no buts, I'm okay, Patch," he started tracing patterns over my face with his fingers, I could hear his deep breaths and the sound of his heart under my head, I loved this, but I knew I'd have to move soon.

"Patch?" I whispered into the silence "Angel I already know what you're going to say, you're going down stairs to talk with the others and that I should stay and rest, I'm coming with you." I opened my mouth to object but Patch was already opening the door with his least injured arm "you can't be serious?" I said behind him, as he started to descend the stairs "I'm always serious Angel," he said with a cheeky grin, which had me blushing instantly.

While I was distracted Patch made his way into the kitchen with the others "WOW! PATCH! What happened to you? You look like you've got Nora's injur..." That's when I entered the room and Mark never finished his sentence. I sat down next to Patch as people started to access us, realising Patch now had my injuries and I was fine. I could see Brendon trying to catch my eye from the other side of the table, and so did Patch. "Where's Julie?" Patch asked George "she's gone to cool off outside, don't worry she won't run off," George said wirily. It was only then that I realised how different George looked, his sky blue eyes seemed to be filled with clouds and his dusty brown hair seemed to hang from his head like wet mud, the only way I could think to describe him was as the storm before the tornado. Patch noticed the difference too as he tensed beside me "may I speak to you in private?" Patch asked George, who nodded in reply Mark and John made their way out of the room as Patch leaned into me "I'm just going to speak to him, okay?" I gave Patch a knowing look and left the room to find Brendon waiting for me by my bed room door.


Everybody had left the room, leaving only George and me at the ridiculously small table. I didn't know what I was going to say but George spoke before I got a word in "I'm fine," after many years of being each other's back up we had got to know each other well, too well for My liking, I liked to keep people guessing but with George there was none of that, but it did play into my hands sometimes. "I know you're not," I replied challenging George to question otherwise, but there was no response. We sat in silence for sometime before George spoke (first mistake, never be the first to speak) "it's just all getting a bit stressful with Julie and the others, I don't know if I can do this, you know,"
"Don't be so ridiculous. You know that you can, we've been through worse than this," which earned me a smile from George.


"Are you okay?" Brendon asked me as we sat on Patch's and my bed "I'm fine," I replied, although there was something nagging me. I looked over at Brendon, his face was guilt stricken "what's wrong with you?" I question, he took a shuddering breath "I could of stopped Julie sooner, but I didn't, I was frozen in horror, I could of saved you from this pain." I was about to tell him how ridiculous that was but as I went to say it I saw how haunted he looked "I'm okay though," I said gripping his hand. Brendon had been one of my true friends throughout the past mouth and it pained me to see him taring himself apart for something he didn't do. "Only because of Patch," Brendon spat with his venom filled voice which had me confused "excuse me?" I asked, even if he hadn't said anything against Patch it still felt like a slap to the face which needed tending to. "You're so beautiful and you spend your time with that waste of space. You constantly have to fight and give things up for him, you shouldn't have to. Nora I love you and I could give you everything and more, you'd never have to fight for me or give anything up for me because I wouldn't let you." Brendon had worked himself in to a sorry state of rage whilst I watch gobsmacked. I was about to say something when Brendon grabbed my shoulders and crashed his lips against mine. There was a sound at the door and a bang.


"You're right," George smiled "I'm sorry, I'm just being ridiculous, it just all got to me." I got up and patted George on the back "well you know what they say," I purred to George "whatever you are, be a good one." George's smiled widen and so did mine till I felt a shudder run through my spine. Nora. I was out of the kitchen in seconds.


I pushed Brendon off of me as another had grab the back of his collar, Patch. "What the hell do you think you're doing!" Patch's voice boomed off the walls of our bedroom, his eyes meet mine over the bed, I gave him a nod letting him know that I was okay. "I'm better for her," Brendon screech, Mark, John and George were behind Patch in an instant. "What is going on here!" George shouted "he laid his filth ridden hands on my angel that's what," Patch hissed "Patch, calm d..." George didn't get a chance to answer before Brendon cut in "she's not your angel!" I looked up at Mark who was now by my side "you alright princess?" He questioned using Julie's earlier name for me, but the difference was he sounded generally worried, I nodded. "Stop Patch! This isn't Brendon! He hasn't had his medication! It makes him do crazy things he wouldn't otherwise do!" John shouted as Patch went to throw a punch at Brendon. "does Patch have any special abilities, like me or John," Mark asked, I shook my head, he must of seen my questioned look as he answered my question "Brendon is trying to control Patch but it's not working." What? I didn't have time to think before Mark spoke again "do you want me to get you out of here," he asked with a sincere look. I looked around at my shouting angry boyfriend and my screaming friend "yes," I replied to Mark, I was shaking so much, Mark already new I couldn't walk. He lifted me up, one arm under my legs and one arm under my armpits. He walked to the door like that, almost out before Patch shouted "don't touch her!" I felt Mark tense, he turned to look Patch in the eyes, me still in his arms "do you really want to make Nora look like this?" Mark snapped, Patch look down at me in Mark's arms curled up against his chest , scared and shaking, I saw something shatter behind Patch's eyes. I'm sorry Angel Patch said to me in my head, I didn't reply I just turned my head into Mark's chest. Mark headed for the door again but just before he left he turned and said "both of you said you'd never hurt Nora, so why are you doing it now?" And with that he turned and left. I heard the front door slam as Patch stormed off, I was about to tell Mark to go after him but the darkness got me first.

Yea! I hope you guys like it! I just want to say thank to everyone who has read this story I've almost reach 1k reads on this story! Please comment on what you want to happen next! I can't wait to see what happens next! Should update next week if my writing time is good! Thank you 😀😀😀😀😀

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