Break me now destory me later

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I stood in a field of black grass and grey sky's, no trees no nothing but grass. I felt a shiver work its way up my spine letting me know danger was coming so I ran but each part of the field looked the same I didn't know if I was running away from danger or towards it. I tripped over and fell down into the sinister looking grass I looked back to see what I had tripped over, nothing was there. I laid in the grass for I don't know how long before a boney hand reached down and pulled me up. Scott. "Aw, sweet little Angel boy to drunk to save his precious little Nora," Scott mocked, I was growing increasingly less scared and more angry. I looked at Scott he seemed... Different, his collarbones were a lot more visible, his cheek bones sharper, his eyes hollow and lifeless. "Not in a talking mood today good, this will make it so much easier," laughed Scott "this is my final offer for you to become my queen," he put his hands on my shoulders. "Well that's funny Scott this is one of many of Nora's last offers, and get your fucking hands off her," I staggered back to find Patch stood tall behind me "I thought you were drunk ," I whispered "I was but it doesn't last very long on me, fallen angel and all that," Patch laughed.

"Ah, Patch, I see you have managed another untimely arrival," said Scott, flicking invisible dust off his shoulder "well I always said I'd be there for my Nora so I guess here I am," Patch stated, his voice filled with venom. "Why always your Nora?" Scott asked but before Patch had a chance to reply Scott said "I don't want you here anymore Patch." Patch's figure started to faded, I could see the field through him "Patch!" I screamed, tears tipping their way out from my eye lids. "Stay strong Angel, I'll be there when you wake up," and he was gone and I was once again on my own with Scott. "I've just shown you I've got stronger, I can control dreams. And you will be having one every night for two weeks till I am ready to destroy what little there is of you left." I was terrified, breathing uncontrollably "do you know what my old man used to say to me?" Asked Scott, I said nothing "do you know the terror of he who falls asleep? To the very toes he is terrified, because the ground gives way under him, and the dream begins." The dream faded, Scott faded. Gone.

I woke up shaking but Patch was already awake holding me close to his chest "shhh, it's alright, when your ready to speak can you tell me what Scott said?" I nodded, being too weak to speak I spoke to his mind 'he said he can control dreams.' Patch made a disgusted noise 'that would explain how he was able to kick me out so easily,' Patch said into my mind. "He also said he would send me one bad dream every night so when it came to the end fight there would be less of me to destroy," I cried into Patch's chest. He push me away and put both his large, gentle, hands on my shoulders and looked seriously into my eyes "Scott is going to test you in these dreams, he's going to try break you and damage your faith but you can't let him, remember it's not real. I will try to get in these dreams to help you but I doubt I'll be able to, but just remember I'll be here when you wake up, if I'm not awake, wake me. I'll always be here for you, don't you give up on me." I looked up at Patch, his face was usually a mask, hiding his emotions, but right then I could see the pain in his eyes as he realised he couldn't help me now.

I put my hands on the side of his face, he let out a deep breath as he scrunched his eyes up trying to keep the tears from falling. "I love you Patch, so much, but you can't always be there to save me," I rested my head against him "you shouldn't be in danger in the first place," Patch whispered. I pressed my lips too his forehead, his nose then I brushed my lips over his. He groan and leaned in closer but I put my hand over his mouth, he raised his eyebrows "later, we've got to get up!" I laugh, but he continued to look at me "but there's always tonight," I wiggled my eye brow at him.


And I felt sad because I realised that once people are broken in a certain way, they can't ever be fixed, and this is something nobody ever tells you when you are young and it never fails to surprise you as you grow older as you see the people in your life break one by one. You wonder when your turn is going to be, or if it's already happened. I just sure as hell hoped Nora didn't  break and I wasn't already broken.


Patch and I made our way down stairs, hand in hand, where the others were already sat at the kitchen table, Mark smiled at me. "Nora I'm sorry for freaking out on you, I still don't like you and you're still a murderer but I'm sorry," Julie said under George's watchful gaze "thank you," was all I said in reply and Julie went back to the kitchen table. Brendon sat next to Mark, whispering to each other, Mark punch Brendon in the shoulder and Brendon let out a whimper. "Nora, Patch, I'm truly sorry about my actions last night, it's just my medication..." I cut in "I already know, you are forgiven, friends?" Brendon nodded and Mark gave me a admirable smile. Patch and I joined the others at the table "right so plan today is training," said George "we might need to hurry up this training, Scott plans to kill us all in two weeks," said Patch casually. "What?!" Said Mark choking on his water "how do you know that!" Patch and I both looked at each other we both shared the same thought don't go into detail, and don't tell them about Scott's threats. "Scott paid Nora a visit and in all his rage let the date slip," Patch said not to anyone in particular, no one asked any other questions. "Right today we decided our battle strategy and for the rest of our time we train," George said, holding his spoon up to the ceiling in victory, I laughed which got Patch smiling. There was a loud knock at the door, we all looked at each other in confusion, who could it be? "I'll go," Patch stated, letting go of my hand "I'll go too," Mark said, reading the worried look on my face and out they went.


Mark and I walked to the door, I stood in front, Mark right on my heels. I had noticed recently that Mark and Nora had become some what friends over the past few days and I was happy Nora had someone else to confide in but I wasn't so happy it was Mark. He has had a rough past and I didn't want him messing with Nora. We got to the door and Mark gave me a nod to open it, all I was thinking was please don't let it be Scott and to my surprise it wasn't. It was Ben my old friend who lives down the way. Mark stiffened beside me and Ben smiled "may I come in?" He asked but I didn't trust him for a second, but I nodded and let him into the kitchen. Nora was the first to notice our... Guest "Ben, how lovely to see you again," Nora's smile sent a wave of warmth through my body. "Ah, yes Nora, how lovely to see you again my girl," Ben said with a smile. "She's not your girl," said Mark angrily which got a confused look from Nora Angel, stay back I said in to Nora's mind why? She questioned, always so many questions just trust me. "Please Mark let's make at least one of our meetings without a fight," said Ben, coldly. Nora came and stood behind me, obviously feeling the tension in the room, I'm glad she came to me for protection. "Oh, so you don't want to talk about that fact that you left mum and I when I was younger, came back and abused her, she then left me with you!" Mark was growing increasingly more mad. "Mark!" I heard Nora shout as Mark punched Ben in the face, I shot forward and pulled Mark back. Then bloody fucking Brendon walked forward and punch Ben a second time, being pulled back by John. "Patch," Nora warned as Mark tried to break free "don't sink to his level!" I spat at Mark " he hit you now you're going to assault him! If you do that your just as bad as him!" He carried on and I said the only thing I knew would stop him "you really are your Fathers son." Mark stopped struggling "fuck you," he shouted "fuck all of you!" Mark stormed out of the house, Nora went to go after him but I shook my head at her. "Brendon go after him for God sake!" I shouted. "Right," George shouted over the noise "I want everyone back here in 2 hours," and George stormed out the room.

Once we bandaged Ben up and made him a make shift bed in the basement/training room, Nora and I decided to go back to our bed room. "Are you okay?" Nora asked as soon as the door was closed "I'm fine Angel," I laughed amused by her worry. I went to lick my lips and I hissed out it pain, Nora gave me a smug smile "let me see." I walked over to Nora who took my head in between her hands "you've split your lip," she stated taking a close look at my lips, I felt her heart beat speed up which made me smile. She walked into the bathroom and came out with a piece of cloth "come here," she gestured for me to come and sit on the bed, I obliged. She came at me with the cloth and I opened my legs so she had to stand in between them. She started to dab away at my lip and I put my hands round her waist, she took in a sharp breath. "We have 2 hours," I said cheekily, wiggling my eye brows, she giggled. I pulled her down and kissed her, I loved her so much and I told her as much.

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