A hug of a million words

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I woke to a worried voice "Angel, wake up, it's just a dream, Angel." I rolled over to see Patches face set with a worried stare "just clam down deep breaths, I'm here," he pulled me into his arms, trying to hold me together as I shook, scared of being back on the cliffs edge again.

Patch ran a hand through my hair mumbling comforting words in my ears, reassuring me I was alright. Looking over the bed to look at the clock it read 2:00 in the morning I'd barely slept for an hour. "Do you want to talk about?" Patch said sounding generally concerned. "I was on a cliff edge, the sun shining down on me when suddenly Scott showed up saying I failed him and that he was back for revenge. He took out a sword enchanted with devilcraft and stabbed me right it the chest and I died," I said in one breath not wanting to reply the memory.

Patch squeezed my hand and pulled me closer, hoping to scare the bad dreams away. "Scott's dead," Patch finally said in a harsh tone "and I would never let anyone hurt you, Angel, you must know that by now." I nodded into Patches chest no wanting to look him in the eyes, I wanted to stay like this forever just breathing him in. "Look at me," Patch demanded softly, using his thumb to raise my chin up so I was looking directly into his eyes. "I'll always be here for you, always. You are my only love and the only touch I can feel and I love you," he says wiping tears from my cheeks I didn't even know I'd shed.

Instead of answering him with a I love you too, I crawled into his lap and crashed my lips down on his. He tasted like freshly cut grass and mint and something else I just couldn't describe with an English word.

I ran my hands through his black hair earning a shiver of pleasure from Patch. His hands moved from my waits to cup my face in his hands. Only our foreheads touched but it meant a hole lot more than that, staring into his eyes while he ran his thumb along my cheek bones. Our breaths was fast and ragged and out lips swollen but just looking into Patches eyes made everything feel alright, good even. You are mine, Angle Patch said into my mind "always and forever," I said out loud wanting the entire world to hear. "Patch?" I asked not wanting to ruin the moment "mmm," he mumbled "I'm scared," I said not wanting to hide my fear from Patch but not wanting to trouble him. His grip tighten on my cheeks as he softly said "just a dream, remember, just a dream," a flicker of emotion jumped across his face worry, sorrow, sympathy. "It just felt so real," I try to explain "when you used to visit me in my sleep I always felt the real ness but I also felt reality weighing down on me," I looked up into Patches eyes he didn't say anything, so I continued. "And that dream I just had with Scott felt so much like that, I'm worried it was real."

Patch took a moment to consider this before he spoke in a cool calm tone "okay, let's get some sleep tonight, then tomorrow I'll talk to some Nephilim, they'll know if Scott's around. But for tonight try not to worry I'm here and I'm not going to let anything happen to you." And with that I gave Patch a long slow kiss and buried my head into his chest falling asleep to the slow breaths off my fallen Angel.

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