The world or him

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I knew I was in one of Scott's dreams as soon as I felt water gush round my ankles, as soon as I realised that I was wearing a white flowy dress that clung to my body in all the places I didn't wish for Scott to see. Waves were crashing against nearby rocks and the sky was grey in mourning, something didn't feel right, in these dreams I could always feel the emptiness inside me were Patch was supposed to be, it felt like he didn't exists.

I took a step, as if to go deeper into the sea, but a scared hand reached up and grabbed my ankle, causing me to fall backwards before it dragged me into the sea itself. I didn't scream nor shout as I knew it would be no help in this dream, Patch wasn't coming to save me this time. I flinched when the thing dug its sharp claws into my leg; I watch the water turn red with my blood.

Before I was able to process it a voice came booming into my dream, as if we were in a room with a loud speaker. "Why aren't you fighting back?! It makes it so much more enjoyable for me," Scott snarled, I didn't speak or move "come on Nora I know this isn't you, you're supposed to be the one that fights back!" I still didn't react. "Well lets spice things up a bit then shall we!" Scott let out an ear drum breaking laugh.

All of a sudden I was on the cliffs by the sea I hand just been stood in and the monster was gone. I had a second of relief until I heard a voice call out to me "Angel! Help me!" I looked around frantically looking for Patch but I couldn't see him "Patch!" I scream "Angel!" he shouted again. I followed the sound of his voice to the cliff edge; he was hanging onto the edge with one hand. I dropped to my knees and grabbed his other hand "I've got you," I told Patch, tears rushing down my cheeks "I've got you." For the first time I saw how terrified Patch was which meant even in his immortal form he wasn't going to survive this "angel let go," Patch whispered his hand slipped so he no longer had hold of the cliff so I was the only thing keeping Patch from his death.

I may have been half immortal but I couldn't hold onto Patch much longer, I let out a scream of frustration which only made me feel worse. "Goodbye, Angel," Patch let go of my hand and instantly started to fall "NO!" I shouted in desperation, before I even saw Patch's body hit the rocks I jumped because that was the only thing I could think to do.

As I fell I felt like a dying baby bird, how it jumps to take its first fight, how it either lives or dies, how the parents either have loads of chicks or none at all. In that moment I remembered my mother who I hadn't thought about in so long, I was probably never going to see her again. Even if our last meeting wasn't the best I still loved her and she loved me, even if she didn't show it.

Just before my body hit the rocks I was transported into a room of forever going darkness "NO!" Scott screamed from wherever he was hiding. "You're not supposed to jump after him!" I was surprisingly calm as I remembered it was just a dream. "You stupid girl! You ruined my fun so now expect something even worse tomorrow. With one last scream of madness he was gone and so was the dream.

I woke up and shot straight out of the bed, my legs were shaking so much I didn't even know how I was standing. I looked to mine and Patch's bed but he wasn't in it, I started to seriously freak out, is what happened in the dream come to life? Was it even a dream? Tears started to rush down my face and my breaths came too quick I fell to the floor but I never hit it. Patch's arms were around my waist as we both gently made our way to the floor, I expected Patch to speak but he never did, so I didn't either. Patch looked in pain and even his breaths were coming quicker than usual, I buried my head in his cheat, no longer wanting to see the pained look on his face that was making me feel even worse.

"I was reading your mind while you were in the dream," Patch's voice came out all scratchy "I'm sorry I wasn't there when you woke up I just had to move away from you a bit because your feelings were so overwhelming." I continued to cry into his chest for once he wasn't making me feel any better "I saw what you did," Patch said slightly softer "I can't believe you did that for me and now you have to suffer. Now Scott knows I'm worth dying for to you so I'm going to be his main target in these dreams you're going to have." I hadn't thought of it like that but I still wouldn't have gone back and done it differently.

I'd finally had enough of crying so I looked at Patch and put my hands up to his face, he shook them off, it felt like a slap to the face, that was when I realised his hands were no longer on me anymore. I looked up at Patch in questioning "why won't you let me touch you?" I asked, Patch wouldn't look me in the eyes "I just... I don't think I'm the best thing for you right now, I'm one of your biggest weaknesses and just feeling how much you loved me in that dream made me realise how easy Scott could destroy you if he got to me. Angel you have to promise me something," I gave him an unsure look "if it comes to me or the rest of the world promise you'll pick the world," I didn't answer straight away I looked down at my hands and started twisting the promise ring he gave me when he first got the ability of feeling.  I looked up at him "I promise but I don't promise to not do anything stupid after that."

I'd finally had enough of Patch and his promise; I got up from the floor and climbed back into bed  "please don't be mad Angel," I got under the covers and turned to face him still on the floor "I'm not mad, I just needed someone to talk to... to make me feel better not worse." I rolled back over, I heard Patch let out a shaky breath, I could just imagine him running his hand through his hair. He climbed into bed so he was facing me, he leaned over to me and kissed me hard on the lips but I didn't kiss him back "please, I'm sorry," I closed my eyes and rolled over "I just want to go to bed," I could feel the frown on Patch's face burning into the back of my head. He didn't say anything else he just wrapped me up in his arms and snuggled his face into my hair. A single tear fell from my eye but Patch caught it before it hit the pillow.

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