A lovers distraction

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<so this is the intimate you guys wanted me to write. I've never written one before so it might not be too good. Just warning you before you read this if you get offended easily or don't like intimate goings on please only read the first half of this chapter, you have been warned. Hope you enjoy it guys>

It was a wet, rainy Wednesday morning, the sky was grey and cloudy and the wind was cold on my face. Patch, Julie and I stood in the back garden whilst George had claimed the basement, saying that they needed complete concentration.

Today it was weapon handling and Patch was going through the basics with us naming parts of guns that I'd never heard of before; mussel, rare view, front view, but, trigger etc...
"Right today we're going to be firing air rifles as there not hard to fire, have no rebound and we're only firing pellets. Each magazine (thing that holds the pellets) has five shots," he announced in his teacher voice "you probably won't be firing guns like this in the actual fight but this is a good gun to practice with. He handed us a long heavy gun made of wood and metal. Mine had some sort of carvings in the wood whilst Julie's didn't. "Are these guns different?" Julie Screeched over the wind "no it's just Nora has my one as I only had my one and a spare one," Patch simply reply, which had Julie glaring in my direction.

Patch walked towards me showing me how to hold it, reload the gun and how to aim. He showed me the target at the over end of the garden and told me to start firing while he moved on to help Julie, which sent a pang of jealousy through me. There were two orange, square, targets at the end of the garden. Each sporting five mini targets, one in each corner and one in the middle "which one should I aim for?" I question "aim for the middle one," Patch replied without looking back over his shoulder. I lined my eye, the rare view, front view and the middle of the target up but my hands where shaking so I had to keep rearranging my position. I breathed in and held my breath while I fire the gun then let out my breath once the pellet had left the mussel. I was too far away to see if it had hit but I reloaded the gun and fired my last few shots.

I turned to look at Patch who had his arms round Julie, trying to help her line it up "shoot," he said irritated. There was a 'pop,' as the gun fired followed by four more clicks and pops as she reloaded , fired, reloaded, fired. "Right lets go have a look," Patch said, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the other end of the garden where the two targets were. I hit two bullseyes, two just on the edge of the target and one had completely missed and hit the orange. But of course Julie had hit all bullseyes which she pointed out to Patch I hadn't, but Patch had sweetly pointed out "Nora's never fired a gun before, you have, I think my Angel did very well," I smiled at him and he smiled back. It was the sort of smile that said that'll show her, and I loved him for that. For the rest of the afternoon we went through how to assemble and disassemble the gun, how to make sure we hit out target every time and how to stand.

By the time Patch called it quits it was early evening and the boys were already waiting for us in the kitchen. "So how was it?" George asked Patch with an amused smile on his face. "Good actually, 8 out of 10 times Nora will deliver a killing shot and Julie did well with the aiming but she needs to learn how to assemble and disable the gun," Patch reported "how was it with you?" All the boys went to open their mouths to speak but Mark got there first "it was a strange lesson the, bloody bastard, Brendon here broke my thumb with his mind because I pretend to drown him with my water. Then to get us to stop fighting each other John incased us in a mud mould so we had to sit and listen for 4 hours of George going on about keeping a level head," I had to put my hand over my mouth to stop me from laughing, even Patch had an amused look on his face. "Don't worry they'll be ready," George said reassuringly "tomorrow is hand to hand combat."

Later that night we all sat around the small kitchen table eating soup of which John had made, it was yummy! We sat in silence as everyone devoured their soup and downing their drinks making slurping and burping nosies. "Right," George finally said breaking the silence "I've come up with a lesson plan for tomorrow. So we start of with some fights to see what I need to teach you and we go from there. Opponents will be Nora v Julie, Brendon v Mark and me v Patch, got it," everyone around the table nodded apart from Julie who groaned "but Nora's never thought before, I have, I would kick her arse within a few seconds of the match. Put me with someone else, Patch maybe," I felt the familiar pang of jealousy in my chest.
"No," George said already tired of this conversation, from across the table Julie glared at me. "I don't fight murders, I kill them," she growled at me across the table
"Julie," George warned. She grabbed her cup from the table and through it at my head, I froze (my Nephilim speed failing me.) Patch jumped up and snatched the cup from the air, a few inches from my face, my heart was pounding in my chest "I think it's better if you go get some sleep now," Patch growled at Julie "go!" George shouted "you will fight whoever I tell you to tomorrow now get your arse up those stairs now before Patch throws that cup back at you!" Fire raged behind her eyes as she gave one last look at me "then I shall fight you tomorrow princess," and with that she was off up the stairs. Everyone sat in shocked silence "are you okay?" Asked Brendon quietly, I gave him a nod. "Well I think it's about time we all get to bed," and off everyone went.

As soon as our bedroom door was locked Patch flung his arms around me "you're not alright," he whispered and I cried into his chest. "It's going to be okay you know," I lifted my head up to look at him, his face was lit with a smile "see I told you I'd safe you , even from flying crockery," he teased, I started to smile back.

"I need a distraction," I whispered
"And I know a great one," Patch said greedily leaning in for a kiss. Our lips crashed together my hands going straight to his hair as his hands ran up and down my sides. The only thing between us was our clothing but I wanted more, I gave Patch's bottom lip a bite which had him instantly groaning. He ran his hands down my thighs and my legs until he reached the dip just behind my knees and lifted me up, placing my legs around his waist. With my hands rapped around his neck I let my tongue do the work exploring every inch of his mouth. I groaned, knowing it would drive him crazy and I got exactly the reaction I wanted. He walked us over to the bed laying me down carefully as he climbed on top of me. I reached my hands up grabbing the hem of his shirt and pull it off over his head. He let out a low growl into my mouth as I started to trace the lines of his ribs on his chest. "Angel..." He breathed "you are highly over estimating my self control." In that moment nothing else mattered, it was just me and Patch staring into each other's eyes full of promises and love, this was it. "Don't stop then," he gave me a questioning look as my hands moved to the zipper of his black jeans "I'm ready."

Patch's hands moved quickly under my shirt lifting it off over my head throwing it to the floor, he removed my jeans just as quickly. Both of us now laid there in just our under ware, a mess of entangled body's and fabric. "I love you so much," he said "you're so beautiful." His hands moved to cup the back of my bra, I took in a sharp breath "are you sure?" I just nodded, my body almost breaking with desire. My bra and pants were off shortly afterwards, I grabbed at Patch's pants as he leaned back to grab something, I threw his pants to the floor. I heard the rustle of foil, this all felt really real now but I was ready, I pulled him down on top of me and we were one, just a tangled mess of skin and bones. He kissed down my neck and round my collar bone, making me groan with pleasure. I was absolutely lost in my angel boy and I wasn't finding my way out any time soon. "Patch?" I groaned "yes," he purred in reply "people say nothing lasts forever," he went to interrupt me but I held a finger up to his lips "if nothing lasts forever, please then Patch be my nothing." He dived his head back down, his lips meeting mine "if I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realise how important you are to me," Patch breathed. I felt a hot tear run down my face which Patch let roll for a bit before wiping it of with his thumb. People always say there's no such thing as perfect but that moment truly was, perfect, and I'd give all my years to of just stayed there with my angel boy.

<hope you liked the chapter! But I do have just one question to ask you, do you want me to write from Patch's POV or just keep it to Nora?>

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