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To Ryujin, everything is like a dream.

Ryujin had love for reality, but dreaming is her thing. She used to like waking up to reality since she despised sleeping into her nightmares when she was younger. However, as she grew older, reality became her worst nightmare, dreaming became her greatest escape from her awful real life.

She had learned both good and bad things as she grew up and learned a lot of things. However, Ryujin expected that growing older would help her learn new things and become more aware and certain of everything, but the othings happened the other way around. She became even more perplexed about herself, rather than more assured.

The blonde never thought about questioning her own sexuality one day. She has always been thinking that she only liked men, or that she will never see herself liking a person with the same gender as her. Not until she turned 19 and started finding out how attractive girls were. Well, she never concluded that she's attracted to girls in general, but only to a certain woman who she never thought she'd actually like so much.

Ryujin is a very calm, optimistic, smart and charismatic person. Those are the things mostly people could describe her apart from her other personality and that's why it's not impossible for someone to have a crush on her whether a guy or a girl.

Many have known Ryujin, she's quite popular in their school, many tries to befriend with her, many tries to hit on her, many tries to win her. But, none of those people Ryujin could give a chance. Not that she hates them, they just don't click to her and she's not interested at all.

However, Ryujin only have a bestfriend in her school who she really trust the most, and that is Lia. They've been pretty close friends since the day Ryujin entered the junior high school. It didn't came easy for them to get closer, but if not because of Lia being approachable and too kind, Ryujin would probably spend the next four years of her high school alone.

It's wasn't hard to get along with Lia. As time passes by they became closer and closer and became each other's best buddy. Not only a school buddy, but also a partner outside the campus. The two have shared a lot of things to each other, have knows each other more and shared a lot of experiences together. And that's why it's not hard for Ryujin to start liking Lia.

Lia doesn't know, and Ryujin want her to never know or else it will ruin their friendship. If there's one thing that she never told her best friend, it's that she likes her. Or they she's not straight. And for Ryujin it's not easy to come out to Lia after all this time. She's not afraid that if she comes out her friend will judge her and resent her, it's more of that their friendship will be ruined because either one of them will have to distance herself. And if that happens she doesn't know what would happen but she sure it will make her go crazy.

But things happen unexpectedly, in a way she never actually saw coming. Because things turned upside down the day Ryujin sat down in Lia's car in her passenger seat with her bestfriend on the driver's seat as they watched the view of the Seoul city night.

"Wow, I've never been here. I didn't know there's a place like this here." Ryujin let out in amusement as she looked at the view in front of her with a sparkling eyes.

"I should've bring you here sooner." Lia uttered giggling as she looked at Ryujin beside her.

"You should've. Why did you bring me here just now, unnie?" Ryujin complained turning her gaze to Lia.

"It didn't came out as planned." Lia defended herself.

The night is so beautiful, the combination of that city lights creating a beautiful aesthetic and the bright full moon above made everything a perfect scenery.

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