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(2 months later).

"Why don't you invite her to hang out later?" Ryujin suggested, sitting by one of the tables nearby the counter where Chaeryeong is busy arranging the front desk to make the display look presentable.

"Yeah, I think I can do that. Besides, she's no stranger to you anymore." Chaeryeong smiled. "I'm actually surprised at how you managed to get along with her so easily. I feel like you've known her for a long time."

Ryujin chuckled, taking a sip of her coffee before she spoke, "Don't you realize how bubbly she is? She's friendly and kind, and I like that about her. But of course, it wouldn't be if it weren't for you. "

Chaeryeong chuckled. Her face was blushing now, but she bit her lip to suppress her excitement, which didn't fail to make Ryujin notice it.

"Can you be honest with me?" Ryujin asked, her voice now a little lower to avoid being heard by other people.

Chaeryeong merely gave her a questioning look, waiting for Ryujin to continue.

"You like her, don't you?"

"Shhh!" Chaeryeong instantly said, running to Ryujin to shut her up before she turned her gaze around, scanning if anyone heard her, which luckily no one did. "Cut it down, Ryujin!"

"I am merely whispering." Ryujin chuckled, amused by Chaeryeong's sudden reaction. "So it's true?"

"No. How are you even sure about that?" Chaeryeong frowns, whispering as well.

"Oh come on, you've been talking to me about her for a couple of months. And hey, have you seen yourself when she's around you? That's literally what you look like when you're crushing." Ryujin giggled. She was cringing not because she was being teased towards the blonde girl, but because she just doesn't like picturing herself crushing.

"How are you even sure what I look like when I am crushing? You've never seen me crush before." Chaeryeong uttered, rolling her eyes off playfully.

Ryujin arched a brow, smirking. Maybe she hasn't seen the woman in front of her fall in love, but remembering Chaeryeong from the other realm and how her body language speaks when she's in love is just reflecting Chaeryeong in front of her.

Ryujin wonders if she could tell Chaeryeong that in some other parts of the multiverse, her other self had pursued her feelings for the same person.

"I just knew." Ryujin mumbled.

"Shut up." Chaeryeong sighed, face-palming herself.

"Oh come on, you don't have to deny it to me." Ryujin uttered. "I am your best friend. You can always tell me anything."

Chaeryeong rolled her eyes off playfully. "Like, does it matter?"

Ryujin gave her a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"What's there if I like her or not? If I am really crushing, might as well keep it to myself."

"Of course it matters if you like her. Why do you think your feelings don't matter?" Ryujin asked.

"Oh come on. Have you seen her? She's pretty, smart, and lovely. Of course, anyone can have a crush on her. But that's it all. All we can do is admire her. I'm not even asking for any chances from her. I mean, her standards must be high, and she's definitely straight." Chaeryeong pouted, lowkey admitting that she's actually feeling something towards Yuna.

"Okay, but you never know if she's straight or not. And I am not saying you have to pursue her or something yet. It's only been a couple of months, so it's understandable. Give it more time. You might as well get to know more about her." Ryujin uttered, reassuring Chaeryeong and giving her a smile.

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