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"Ryujin! Please don't leave. Let's talk this out. I don't exactly know what's going on with you, but if there's any problem you're going through, let me help you. I am here."

Those words were the things she heard as she continued to move away from Lia, her best friend, who was pleading with her to stay.

"Ryujin.." This time, Ryujin felt Lia's gentle hands grasping her to prevent her from moving any further. With her back to Lia, Ryujin slowed down her stride. When Ryujin felt the woman grab her shoulder and turn her around so they could face each other, she gently turned around to see Lia's eyes. "Please, tell me what's wrong."

Ryujin, who was unable to meet Lia's eyes, stated humbly, "There's nothing wrong."

Lia asked Ryujin with a trembling voice, "Why are you avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?

Because Lia's hands were trembling through Ryujin's hands, Ryujin could sense how anxious she is. " Of course no, you weren't the problem."

Lia questioned, "So why do I feel like you hate me now? Did your feelings change?" This time, Ryujin looked astonished as her eyes met Lia's.

She was completely unaware that she was committed with feelings to Lia, whom she had only recently realized was her best friend.

Ryujin's only memory was of disliking Lia. She used to dislike her. Ryujin and Lia are complete strangers; they may have previously interacted, but Ryujin has no recollection of ever being this close to or in a committed relationship with Lia. So what's happening through? What did Ryujin miss?

Lia murmured in shame, "I thought something will change after the night we cleared out what's... between us."

"Lia.." Ryujin had no words to say exactly. "U- Unnie, just give me a break."

Lia already has watery eyes, and it is clear from the look on her face that she is disheartened by how Ryujin is currently treating her. "Did I go too far?"

Ryujin sighed. It had only been the first time she saw the woman with a broken heart, and although she thought it wouldn't affect her in the first place, Ryujin was wrong. Ryujin felt terrible for being the cause of Lia's broken heart right now.But there's nothing else Ryujin could do to cheer her up, because Ryujin is just so confused with everything.

"Hey.." The girl uttered, drawing Lia's attention once again. Ryujin sighed and tried her best to handle being this close to Lia, for she's never actually used to it. If this is the best way to treat Lia, she will do it. If this is how she's supposed to treat Lia, she can try to put on an act and pretend to be someone in character, as the person who's supposed to be in her situation right now.

"I'm so sorry for breaking your heart right now." Ryujin admitted. "But I'm honestly in such a messy mind now. I need to sort my problems out first. So allow me to give myself a break, in order not to hurt anyone else, in order not to hurt you. Is that okay?"

"How long do you need a break? Will I ever lose you?" Lia asked nervously.

"I'll still be the same; just give me some time to fix myself. I don't want to mess things up just because I had some messy thoughts."

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