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The day finally approached When Ryujin's soccer D - Day has finally come. She had prepared enough for the game today, just as much as how prepared she was with her team mates. Today, Ryujin is on her way to the field to meet her other team mates. In an hour or so on, their game will start and she's very excited and nervous at the same time.

Walking through the hallway and receiving some compliments and a good luck wish from some student that greets her through the corridor, Ryujin showed them a smile and polite demeanor which still didn't fail to surprise them for they had no idea about Ryujin's sudden shift of attitude.

From afar, Ryujin spotted a familiar figure walking ahead of her on the same direction, it caught Ryujin's attention. The black haired girl quickly hurried to catch up with Lia who's also walking on her way to her destination.

"Lia unnie!" Ryujin called which caught Lia's attention very quickly.

"Ryujin.. Good luck to your game today, by the way."

"Thank you. I'll work hard." Ryujin smiled to her once the woman leveled her pace, walking side by side with each other.

"Walking alone?" Ryujin added a question.

"Yuna's with Chaeryeong, so that's why.." Lia replied, smiling at ryujin as well.

"The same reason goes for me if you ask." Ryujin chuckled. "Where are you heading?"

"I'm going to the council office to drop off some things, but I'll eventually come to your game since I have to support the team," Lia said, glancing at Ryujin, who was also gazing at her.

"Oh, really," Ryujin said respectfully. "I'm also going to the field. Do you mind if we go together? I'll accompany you to the office."

Lia hummed and pondered. She's not bothered in the least, so there's no need for her to refuse or order Ryujin to leave. After all, she'll be seeing Ryujin for the majority of the day, so it's alright if she has to deal with her right away.

"I don't see any problems," Lia said, making Ryujin giggle.

Ryujin and Lia stopped by Ryujin's locker, which is only a short distance from the office, before heading to the office. Lia waited patiently for Ryujin to open her locker and put her belongings, which she knew she wouldn't need just now because it was game day.

The school set the date for game day today, which means they are no longer in class and will resume their regular schedule next week when the game days are over. Students were, however, encouraged to attend school in order to support their own university's sports team on game days.


When Lia heard Ryujin's sudden reaction, her attention was drawn to her.

"It's just here?" Ryujin wondered as she scooped up the familiar journal she'd been looking for for a few days.

She was somewhat perplexed. She doesn't remember putting her journal in her locker because from the beginning, she never left that thing in the locker. she always carry it in her bag wherever she goes.

And there's no way she'd forget she'd put that journal in her locker because she'd opened it a few times before and never noticed it was there. Or perhaps it was placed there by someone.

She'd be in big trouble if her second thought was confirmed. She can't let anyone else know about all she'd wrote down. They would think it was creepy and crazy if they ever found out what was written down there. Ryujin would seem insane to them. Ryujin speculates on who that person might be.

On the other hand, how did the person who returned Ryujin's journal know that it belonged to her if in the first place, Ryujin didn't even put anything in it to claim ownership?

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