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Ryujin remembered everything. It wasn't just a vivid dream. It was real, and she remembered everything.

The multiverse of Byeol.

She finally obtained answers to her questions after reading the letter to herself from her other self, disregarding her confusions about what had happened to her in her own world because she had been gone for so long and went to another dimension.

Ryujin couldn't believe she hadn't figured it out from the start. She had just awoken and had finally returned.

The ache she felt in her chest when she awoke from what she believed was a dream was the essence of missing the people she had to leave behind from the other universe, and looking at their faces in her reality now just made her miss them, which is why whenever Ryujin sees those familiar faces, she feels like she misses them.

Ryujin envisioned how her friends would react when she finally left and switched souls with her other self.

Chaeryeong is the one who knows the most about her true identity, thus she expected Chaeryeong to be upset when Ryujin left. But she was also relieved to be reunited with her original best friend, whom she had missed.

Ryujin felt bad about leaving, but she understood she shouldn't be unhappy because she wanted to return to her original world in the first place. And Chaeryeong hoped the same for her.

Ryujin found herself walking to campus, brushing aside the ideas that had been flowing through her head since last night and this morning. It was already lunchtime, so she went looking for her usual seat on her own.

She had learned that Lia needed a few more days to heal from her injuries, which was why she had been excused from class since her injury, and Ryujin realized how lonely it had become for her to have to attend school without her best friend.

But Ryujin wasn't truly alone because Chaeryeong had been with her since the start of their friendship.

It's been two days since Ryujin returned to her home world and gradually adjusted to the new realm, even if she had initially belonged there, because a lot has changed in the two months she'd been gone to the other realm.

Ryujin spotted Chaeryeong on the same table as yesterday in the food haul, so the woman hurriedly approached her and joined her at the table.

Chaeryeong jumped slightly when Ryujin appeared unexpectedly, but when she saw it was just Ryujin, she fell back down and sighed.

"I thought you'd never show up after walking out last week," Chaeryeong said, glancing at Ryujin.

"I'm sorry. I was just extremely stressed out, and I didn't get to call you to apologize." Ryujin muttered, resting her chin in her hand, her elbow on the table.

"I understand. You were out of your thoughts," Chaeryeong whispered, looking worriedly at her friend.

"I guess I just didn't have a nice start to the day that time," Ryujin joked.

"Are you sure you're okay now? You didn't hurt your head, right?" Chaeryeong said, just to ensure Ryujin's physical well-being.

Ryujin said nothing, giving her companion a thumbs up and smiling confidently. "I'm doing much better now."

Even though it was a fresh adventure for Ryujin to get to know Chaeryeong again, she was thrilled that it wouldn't be difficult to get to know the woman despite the fact that she was supposed to already know a lot about her. She caught a glimpse of Chaeryeong who's from the Byeol, and she acts precisely the same, despite the fact that she has different interests than her other self in several aspects, and Ryujin is amused to get to know a different version of Chaeryeong.

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