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Ryujin stirred awake from dreaming upon hearing an irritating voice waking her up from her slumber. She shifted on her bed and slowly opened her eyes to see the person who's been bothering her to awake.

"I'm tired. Please go away." Says Ryujin under her breath as she tried to go back to sleep.

Today is Sunday's for what Ryujin could actually remember and that means there's no reason for her to get up early.

"Oh come on Shin Joanne, you're supposed to come with me in the studio today. You promise to accompany me in my practice remember?" Ryujin heard her friend tantrums which made her grow even more annoyed.

"Just let me sleep for 2 more hours." Ryujin mumbled shifting her body to the other side.

"Seriously. I came all the way here because you said I'll pick you up and we can go together. You know me Ryujin, don't wait till I ask Mama Shin to bring a bucket of cold water just to convince you to get up."

And with that, Ryujin was convinced to open her eyes, looking up at the ceiling and sat up. She'd rather wake up already that to hear the other girl tantrum that makes her annoyed.


"What the heck!"

Both girls exclaimed in surprised when the other reacted first. Ryujin found herself falling on the floor while the other girl remained on the bed with her hands on her chest and breathing heavily.

"Are you dumb? Why are you scaring me?" Says the other.

"Who the heck are you?" Ryujin questioned in terror, her face is purely scared. "Why are you in my room?"

"Wow, excuse me?"

"Tell me who are you!" Ryujin stood up but didn't attempt to come close to the other girl.

"Chaeryeong, your bestfriend? Who else?" The other girl confusedly said, but she knows that Ryujin is only messing around, knowing the girl who is naturally mischievous. "What now, acting like you don't know me suddenly?"

"I don't know you, and we never even met before so how did you get into my room?" Ryujin uttered out pointing towards the girl with threat. "Please leave my room, leave the house. You are trespassing."

"I've been coming over for a long time, and suddenly you're calling me a trespasser?" said the girl.

Ryujin screamed, "You're not allowed to be here! Who gave you permission to enter the house?"

"Your parent," the girl said to the befuddled blonde. "And you invited me over today, so don't be surprised; what's the matter with you this morning?"

"Chaeryeong..." Ryujin uttered out holding her head that is now aching. "I remember you."

"Now that's great."

"You're in the gymnastic class with my best friend, right?" Ryujin inquired. She remembered the girl from the same school she goes with Lia, however she's never close to Chaeryeong so to see the girl sitting on her bed inside her room really freaked the other girl out.

"Gymnastics? I'm not in the gymnastic class anymore. I stopped remember? And what are you talking about, I am the best friend you jerk. I'm your best friend." Chaeryeong whined starting to get irritated as well.

"No we're not. We barely even talk." Ryujin declared stepping back from the girl who's approaching.

"Wow, that hurts Ryujin."

"Lia. She's my best friend, Lia unnie." Ryujin mumbled as she remembered the other girl's name.

The vivid memories of the night of confession suddenly appeared into her which sent goosebumps around her, suddenly she missed Lia.

In Another Realm (AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon