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Ryujin awoke with a heavy chest on Friday morning. Ryujin opened her eyes and felt tears trickle down her cheeks and temples as she gazed up at the ceiling. Ryujin knew she was suffering a nightmare because she had been dreaming of something that had caused her to feel millions of emotions in her chest, making it feel heavy.

She wasn't just tearing down, she was sobbing, because her dream was so intense and felt so real, but when she wondered what it was just a few seconds ago, she couldn't remember, which sucked.

"Why am I crying?"

She cried for no apparent reason.

Ryujin got up immediately and wiped her tears away. Her heart was still racing from the intense emotion, but she attempted to dismiss it and got out of bed. Her alarm clock abruptly rang, reminding her that she only had one remaining day of school for the week.

Despite the fact that the heavy feeling inside her made her want to stay in bed and not go to school, she forced herself to attend. She had to go to school and will not miss it because of a nightmare. Ryujin has had this experience before and knows that she will quickly forget about it because she will be distracted with other things outdoors.

Ryujin quickly took a shower, making sure to immerse in cold water to soothe her body and mind. Ryujin needed treatment.

She walked downstairs, finding her mother in the living room, occupied with a lot of paper, after taking a short shower and dressing herself in presentable clothes. Ryujin is used to seeing her mother busy, so she isn't bothered if they don't join their daughter to breakfast.

"G'morning," Ryujin said as she made her way to the kitchen next to the living room to eat her breakfast.

"Good morning," the mother responded, still concentrating on her paper, causing Ryujin to frown, but she brushed it off and began eating. "Will you be okay going to school by yourself today? I can't drive you there since I have somewhere else to go as soon as I finish this paper, Ryujin."

"It's okay, eomma," Ryujin said as she bit into her sandwich.

Ryujin shook her head in dismay as her mother returned her attention to her papers.

Ryujin is no longer affected by how busy her parents are in their businesses and have never paid enough attention to their daughter, but she still tries to understand.

Ryujin questioned, "What about appa? Can't he drive me?"

The mother froze in her tracks, a bewildered expression on her face, before finally looking up and staring at Ryujin.

"Your father?"

"Yeah, doesn't he drive me to school sometimes when you're busy?" Ryujin asked, recalling how her father would drive him to school and they would even strike up a discussion.

"No," the mother stated firmly. "He never does that."

"No?" Ryujin inquired, perplexed.

"Ryujin, he moved out remember?" her mother asked, recalling how she and her husband had decided to split for a bit to give each other the space they needed. And, knowing how troubled the dad is, he's too cold and thoughtless to care for his own child.

Ryujin immediately recalls. She was aware that she used to argue with her father, who is a problematic man. Ryujin recalls it vividly now. "Oh, yes, I understand."

The mother frowned, perplexed by Ryujin's statements, but dismissed them because she was still stressed out over her paperwork and had to go soon for her duties.

"Anyway, I'm leaving. I'm going to be late for my lecture. Make sure you get to school and come home safely. I'll see you at dinner." The mother immediately sprang up and left, attending to her duties as a well-paid teacher.

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