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While driving his sisters to Lia's house, Hyunjin asked, "Are you sure you'll be okay? " He was keeping an eye on Yeji and the road to make sure they wouldn't get into any mishaps.

Yeji asked in a tone that was somewhat mischievous but serious, "Like you care?"

Hyunjin said, his eyes on the road and his hands on the steering wheel, "I'm just worried. You don't look happy to be spending the night with Choi Lia."

"So what's wrong?" asked Hyunjin. "You've been so upset lately. I thought you said you would spend your holiday hanging out with your friends, but you've been keeping yourself in your room. Now that Lia has invited you over to hang out, you don't seem happy about it."

Yeji murmured, "I am."

Yeji said, folding her arms over her chest and putting her head on the glass window while losing herself in the scene, "It's nothing, okay? I'm alright, don't worry."

Hyunjin teased his sister, "And you haven't been hanging out with your friend, Ryujin. Am I allowed to invite her over to play Xbox with me now?" Yeji glared at him furiously, as if Hyunjin had said something that could be construed as a crime.

When Hyunjin realized that mentioning Ryujin's name had only served to enrage Yeji further, he raised an eyebrow and his smirk vanished. He then tried to avoid her eyes. "I was just kidding. Why are you looking at me like that."

Yeji murmured, "I don't have time for your joke."

"Is it because I'm your brother that you won't just tell me what's wrong?" Hyunjin questioned.

Yeji said, "No, it's because you're annoying."

Hyunjin said, giving Yeji another look, "I'm serious though. If you'd tell me, I won't start bugging you."

Yeji merely sighed and closed her eyes as she continued to lean her head against the window in order to avoid having a longer talk with Hyunjin.

"Was it because of Ryujin?"

Upon hearing Hyunjin's words, Yeji's eyebrows shot up, causing her to glance at her brother in confusion once more. Despite how agitated she appeared to be, she managed to speak up and not ignore him.

"What exactly are you saying?"

Hyunjin nodded, chuckling to himself after confirming that it is possible that Ryujin is the source of Yeji's current dissatisfaction. "Hmmm. Your voice sounds so irritated now. So it's about her, and that's why you're acting this way," she said.

Yeji rolled her eyes and asked, "What are you talking about?" while attempting to keep silent.

In order to appear less unpleasant, Hyunjin remarked, "Did you two fight? Or is Ryujin turning into a jerk again?"

Even when he was joking with her, he was serious when he expressed concern for her sister.

Yeji questioned angrily, "No, she's not. Why are you saying this?"

"Because it seems like you have the biggest problem after I mentioned her name." Hyunjin mimicked Yeji's voice, saying, " What did she do this time?"

"Nothing. That is not your problem."

Only after Yeji's response did Hyunjin nod. Hyunjin was correct that something was genuinely wrong with Yeji because of Ryujin, and Yeji didn't even argue that Hyunjin was correct about his confirmation.

Hyunjin smirked at his sister and asked, "Why are you so upset with her for such a long time? You've previously been irritated by her, but not in this way."

This time, Yeji disputed, saying, "What do you mean like this? I'm just the same."

"This, you have never been affected like this before because of Ryujin. You've changed, Yeji, and since I'm your brother, I can tell that you are not the same. Now that you started caring, you started acting like a child just because you don't talk to her."

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