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The holiday had finally come to an end, and class had resumed. Although it was only a short break for some students, it was sufficient for others. However, Ryujin believes that the school break is only a little breather and that she yearns for more, or that she simply does not want to return to school yet.

Chaeryoeng and Yuna had returned home a few days before the class began. Ryujin decided to pay them a visit after hearing that both of her friends had returned home, and they were able to spend time together before the holiday ended.

Ryujin was on her way to the cafeteria for a lunch break after finishing half her classes for the day. She agreed to meet her friends there, and because it was only their first day of class for the new year, the class had slowed down while they resumed all activities, so for Ryujin's soccer game, they didn't have to get back on track just yet because they had won the finals the prior year.

Chaeryeong soon joined her in their usual position while they waited for Yuna. While waiting for the other girl, Chaeryeong and Ryujin were capable of talking about several topics that they had previously discussed but weren't able to discuss much because they were busy over the holiday.

"You said you had something to tell me last time," Chaeryeong remarked, recalling what the other woman told her from the call the previous time.

"Did I?" Ryujin asked, pretending as if she had no idea what her friend was talking about.

"Oh, come on Ryujin, stop pretending you don't get it," Chaeryeong said, rolling her eyes.

Ryujin just laughed as she saw how annoyed Chaeryeong was.

"I'll tell you about it next time, Ryeong. I'm still waiting for the right moment," Ryujin said, running her fingers through her hair and delicately rubbing her temples.

"Right timing?" Chaeryeong asked. "You can just tell me anything at any time. You don't have to wait for the right moment, you know?"

"I know," Ryujin said simply, nodding.

Chaeryeong seemed perplexed and concerned at the same time, so she titled her head and asked Ryujin a question.

"Is something wrong?" Chaeryeong questioned.

"Nothing, everything's fine, don't worry," Ryujin soothed, sitting up again and smiling at the woman.

Before they could finish their conversation, the two turned their gaze to Yuna, who smiled at both of them. Yuna's cheerful attitude had an effect on the others, as the two seemed to brighten up once she appeared.

"Today is easier than I imagined the class to be. I thought the first day would buzz me up with stress already," Yuna murmured as she tried to rest her head on the table and stop herself from yawning.

"You're already tired, Yuna?" Chaeryeong questioned, running her hand through Yuna's hair and stroking the woman's scalp, causing Yuna to relax even more in her pose.

"I think I have to sleep because the weather is so nice," Yuna muttered. "I'd like to go home and sleep in my bed."

"You have more classes to go," Ryujin murmured, pinching Yuna in the cheek to keep her awake.

"I wish summer would come sooner!" Yuna grumbled as she forced herself to get up with a pout, making Chaeryeong and Ryujin laugh at their youngest's sweet gesture.

"I've been hearing from a lot of people today about this virus spreading today due to the weather, so I was worried one of us would get it, unnie." Yuna added as she began opening her food while talking to the girls who were staring at her blankly.


"Mono. That's what it's called. I'm not sure what it is, but a lot of people have been catching it, and it's contagious," Yuna explained as she chewed into a piece of food she had at the time. "My seatmate got it after making out with her boyfriend, who had it," she explained.

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