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"No Louis stop it"

"You little shit"

Harry heard giggles coming along the door when he stood right infront of it. His eyebrows furrowed as his mind went into a different direction. Did he have someone over? Harry thought. The giggles were abit familiar for him. He knocked the door again expecting someone to open it but no use. A sigh left his lips while he heard a splash of water.

He wandered across the entrance towards the pool. His body froze on the spot when he saw Louis and Stan in the pool, giggling while Stan was in Louis' arm. He cleared his throat and crossed his arms infront of his chest. "Harry" Stan called as he hoped off Louis. "Um I was waiting outside but the door is locked" Harry stated pointing to the door. "Oh yeah it's locked" Louis replied back as he moved towards the side and climbed outside. He shuffled from his clothes and handed Harry the keys.

Harry started walking towards the front house. He grabbed his bag and opened the door. As he was inside, his gaze turned towards the mirror where he saw Louis and Stan in the pool, again. Stan was splashing water at him while giggling with each other. A sigh left his lips as he walked upstairs. He started unpacking while his gaze fell on the painting.

The painting he had gotten from his mum's place. He glared at it as the memories rushed in. He remembered the day he made it, the day he lost it all. The canvas was old by now. It had been three years to it now, who could've noticed.

He was pulled from his thoughts when he heard a door shut. Harry moved the painting, placing it on his night stand. A small smile creeped across his face thinking about it.

He decided a shower would be a nice idea to take a shower, so he did.


"Are you sure? I know you don't like staying alone?" Louis asked as Stan was about to leave. "No, it's alright. I don't wanna be bother" He replied back as he walked outside. Louis sighed as he turned around back towards the couch. He was pulled from his thoughts when he saw Harry walking downstairs. "H" he called. Harry turned his gaze towards Louis as he asked,"Yeah?". Louis took a deep breath as he asked,"Are you alright?".

"Yeah I am" Harry replied back in a low tone as he continued choping some vegetables. He wanted to make a salad seeing he had noticed that he had gained some weight. "H, you know you can talk to me" Louis tried pressuring. He knew he couldn't much but he had to, in order to know something. He hadn't been his strict self with Harry and he himself didn't knew why. Harry hmmed as he continued to work. He didn't even glanced at the dominant.

"Um I'm going to the conseller for an extra session. If you want you can join" Louis stated rubbing the back of his neck. Harry nodded back without looking at him. A sigh left Louis' lips as he turned around. As he was about to exit, he heard Harry ask,"Did I do something wrong?". Louis couldn't help when a frown appeared on his face. He turned back towards him and replied,"No Haz, you didn't do anything wrong. I just want to talk to Emily about something". Harry replied with a 'oh' while he still had that fearful expression on his face.

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