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"Everything's fine" she says looking me dead in the eye. I want to get under her skin, to see what's under that bright smile she displays 24 fucking 7.

"Yeah everything's fine, why don't you go and sniff your dads girlfriends underwear." I say to the blonde admit it was unnecessary, but Arabella's irritated me for as long as I've known her so taking this opportunity to annoy her was to good to pass up.

"Says the sluttiest boy in the school, I'm surprised you've not caught something." She retaliates.

"Don't worry sweetheart I always use protection."

"Cole, Arabella, this is your first warning, settle down."


After school yesterday I headed straight to work, Throughout my shift I dealt with way too much shit, a delivery that was due yesterday morning didn't come in so we barley had any stock so I had to send someone to the grocery store for stuff. One of the waitresses didn't show up for her shift so I had to stay on till 1am. I'm exhausted.

I'm tutoring someone before school this morning to I set my alarm for 5:30am, which means I only had 4 hours of sleep after I got home. I'm really not in the mood to make an effort today, but after Cole is being a dick I'm not giving him any ammunition. I get dressed in a baby blue long sleeve ribbed body suit with buttons at the top, ripped grey baggy jeans, white and blue Jordan 11's that my mom bought me for my 17th birthday and my watch and bracelet, my hair is in a pony tale because I didn't have time to straighten it and it's wavy.

 I get dressed in a baby blue long sleeve ribbed body suit with buttons at the top, ripped grey baggy jeans, white and blue Jordan 11's that my mom bought me for my 17th birthday and my watch and bracelet, my hair is in a pony tale because I didn'...

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(Arabella's outfit)

I get in my car and drive across town, whenever I have an early tutoring session I pick up some coffee, fruit and muffins for myself and who I'm tutoring. When I get to school there's an unusual amount of people here. I forgot that the football team has early practice Tuesdays and Fridays, I make sure to stick to the hallways furthest away from the gym or the door to the football field.

"Aww your here this early just for me?" I turn around to see Cole and Jamal stood there with wet hair. Coles wearing grey joggers and a black hoodie, I can only see a tiny bit of his chain, and he's wearing white air forces, Jamal is pretty much wearing the same thing apart from his earring and his black shoes. They both have full muscles and are really tall, Cole's about two inches taller than Jamal tho. "And look she brought us treats" he says with a smirk still on his face.

Before I can reply the girl I'm tutoring shouts me over and I turn around and leave without a word. My new strategy is to ignore him, that way he'll go back to ignoring me and he won't get the satisfaction of irritating me.

The day goes by as normal and I spend my break at work on the phone with Cole arguing about our English assignment, I can't wait to graduate.

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