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When we get to his house we run inside laughing to get out of the rain. When we get inside I'm pushed up against the door and Cole's lips are on mine, I can't get enough, I pull him closer to me as he deepens the kiss, sliding his tongue in. When we eventually separate needing to breathe I can't help but smile.

"Umm," I say trying to get my thoughts together. "We should get changed out of these wet clothes.

He agrees and leads me up to the spare bedroom where I slept last time. He tells me to take a hot shower to warm up and that's exactly what I do.


I can't help but feel happy, she wants me just as much as I want her. I feel a small smile creep onto my lips as I get her a pair of my grey joggers and the smallest t-shirt of mine I can find and place them on the bed for her before I take a quick shower.

When I'm dressed I quickly spray some deodorant and head downstairs to make coffee. I decide to cook some chilli so we can have nachos as well.

When I'm in the middle of cooking I notice Arabella walking into the kitchen, she rolled the tops of my joggers up so they sit just above her hips and my large white r-shirt is tied in a not so everything fits her. Her damp brown hair is loose, she looks so beautiful. I stop and stare in awe. Her bright eyes look into mine as she comes closer, using my shoulder as support, she jumps up and gives me a quick peck on the cheek.

"Hey, what are you making." She says with a wide smile. "It smells delicious." She takes a spoon and tastes the sauce, she lets out a small moan, and I instantly get a semi.

"Chilli." I say unable to put together a full sentence.

I walk over to the coffee pot and poor her a cup.
"Do you have sugar?" I ask.

She nods, "two please, and a little bit of milk."

I walk up behind her placing the cup of coffee in her hands and wrap my arms around her as she takes a sip. When she puts it down on the counter she spins around to face me, she looks nervous, almost worried as she plays with my chain.

"Cole?" She asks.


"What is this? Like is it a fling, a relationship, are we dating, or are we just friends who have kissed, I mean are we even friends?"

I stop her with a deep, soft, passionate kiss before she can say anything else.

"Does that feel like we're just friends?" I ask with a smirk.

She shakes her head no with a shy smile.

"Good." I state. I still think that she needs more assurance so I continue. "Put it this way, I'm certainly not going to go near anyone else, and if anyone even thinks about you I'll kill them" I say seriously so she understands my feelings.

She rolls her eyes, not understanding that I'm more than serious.

"Can we, maybe, keep this between us for a while? Just while we figure this out. Once other people get involved it gets messy?" She asks. As much as I want everyone to know she's mine and I'm hers, I understand what she means.

"As long as your mine, that's okay with me." I say kissing her forehead.

She turns back around stirring the chilli and I can't help but stare at her ass it takes everything in me not to smack it.

Once the chilli is done I poor it over the tortilla chips and then I sprinkle cheese all over it, then we go upstairs to the sitting room and continue to watch the office, cuddled up with each other.

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