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After the art show we went to the movies and grabbed something to eat, it was perfect. But what made it more perfect was the stroll we took on Central Park just after it turned dark. It was quite, serine, we talked about pointless stuff that somehow seemed meaningful, and for a few hours I forgot about everything bad, everything that could possibly go wrong, I even forgot about how much he infuriates me.

On the way back home I fell asleep listening to the top hits on the radio. I'm woken up by strong arms carrying me out of the car. Knowing exactly what's happening I grab on tighter to the body carrying me, needing his heat, needing his touch.

"Shh bels, I'm just carrying you to my couch so you can have a nap" the husky voice whispers.

I'm done with my nap, all I want at this time is his skin on mine, when he places me on the couch I feel the heat leave my body. Desperate for more I grab onto his wrist pulling him close to me. He quickly gets the hint as his lips rush to mine and he picks me up so I'm straddling him as our mouths intertwine. I wrap my arms so tight around his neck I'm scared I'll suffocate him.
I feel us spin and crash down onto the sofa so my whole body weight is onto of him. His hands slowly move from my thighs to my bum then slowly up my body to settle on my neck, pulling me in closer. I begin to rock my hips back and forth feeling the friction under my dress. Feeling the hardness pushing against the area in between my thighs. His tongue grazes my lips slowly at first, until I make an opening, then he uses the opportunity to enter. His hands find my hips again, pressing down on them as I move with pleasure. He lets out a slight groan, o Ly loud enough for my ears as his kisses become more passionate.


We're interrupted by a awkward feminine cough at the entry way. I jump off of hun in sick and embarrassment .

"Sorry, sorry. I was just going to get a drink but I'm going away now, sorry." The young girls says panicked.

"Wait. Abby. Cole says with a laugh. Come back." 

Abby shyly peers her head back around the corner before stepping back into the room.

"Sorry" she said one more time, her cheeks flushed red.

I try to hide behind hole, completely mortified.
"Abby, this is Arabella, bells, this is Abby." He introduces.

I get up to greet her as she pulls me into a hug, " hi" I say nervously, still in her embrace.

"She's the one I was telling you about" Cole says from behind as he stands up.

"Oh yeah the one with eyes." She jokes as Coke gives her a 'shut the fuck up' look.

"Eyes?" I laugh.

"Yeah my brother is apparently very intrigued by the fact you have eye balls." She laughs.

"Does anyone want a drink?" We hear Cole's desperate voice in the kitchen as we carry on laughing. We make our way into the kitchen after replying no to him.

"So, what exactly is so interesting about my eyes?" I tease, only receiving a shrug in response.

"So, how long exactly have you two been dating?" Abby asks from across the kitchen island.

"We're not" I say at the same time as Coke says "about a week". We exchange a look as I continue. "We haven't really spoken about it, I don't know if I could handle not killing him if I had to spend long periods of time with him." I joke.

"Me?" He loudly retaliates. "Your the one who has to argue with every single thing. I can never get a moment of peace."

"Well luckily for you, you don't need any peace." I say with a teasing smile on my face.

"Yeah, luckily for me" he says pulling my hips closer.

"Ok, that's enough of that, I'm gonna go back upstairs, Abby says as me and cole laugh.


We decide to watch a movie and chill for the rest of the night when Bells phone beeps.

"Eewww" I hear her say with a gag.

"What?" I question.

She shows me the text from Paige-

*Ethans coming over, giving you a heads up to find your noice cancelling headphones*

"Do you mind if I stay in your guest room tonight so I don't have to listen to that?" She says with her bright eyes looking up at me.

The thought of her sleeping with me sprawled across my bed makes me hard, but I don't want to rush anything, so if she wants to sleep in my guest room for now, I'm more than happy to oblige.

"Yeah, no problem" I say trying to conceal my excitement, especially thinking about how her legs were wrapped around me earlier, with her body pressing hard on my crotch.

"Thankyou" she says, with her sexy green eyes staring back at mine. I look at her for another moment as she leans up and places a kiss on my lips. It was small and brief but enough to make me desperate for more.

In one movement I pull her on top of me to bring her closer, looking her in her eyes I bring my hand up to her face, moving one of her curls out of her eyes and placing it behind her ear, moving my hand to cup her face and stroking my thumb across her lips. I can't help but stiffen. Before I know it her hands and moving down from my shoulders to my abs, feeling every crevice of my chest. Before I can stop myself I pull her face towards mine crashing out lips together, sucking and nibbling on her juicy lips. I gently grab her hands and move them so they're wrapped around my neck. Without another thought I stand up, making sure she's secure around my waist, I walk upstairs towards my bedroom desperate for more. As I walk her lips find my neck leaving a trail of light kisses up to my ear as she nibbles on it, causing goosebumps to appear down my body as we move upstairs.

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