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Her words don't register for a few moments after she leaves.

"I don't need you"

"I don't want you"

I turn to see if I can catch a glimpse of her.

"I don't want you"

Her words play on repeat in my mind.

"I'm done with you"

Her voice held no hate, no emotion at all, that's all I could focus on, her voice.

Then it hits me. What date? What other girl?

I need to find her, I meant every last thing I said to her that day. I need to find her.

I go back to the main part of the event after checking in the volunteers area for her, I can't find her.

"Mrs Carter, have you seen Arabella?" I ask the sickeningly sweet woman.

She turns with a wide smile, displaying her lipstick stained teeth, "yes dear. She wasn't feeling well so she went home, I have to say she really didn't look right, all the colour had drained from her face, so I sent her home."

I nod and tell her I'm going to go and check on her.

I get to Arabella's apartment about twenty minutes later and start banging on the door, there's no answer, I look around and notice a familiar black car parked across the street.

Fuck no.

I break the door handle and run up the stairs seeing red.

I see his bruised face and head straight for it, grabbing his creased navy blue shirt and slam him against the wall.

"I thought I told you to stay away from her."

I say before I land a lunch to his face, making him fall to the floor.

"Cole what the fuck" Arabella screams.

I get on top of him and land another punch to his already broken face.

He starts to laugh, showing his bloody teeth, "hey Cole, I heard Abby's back, maybe I should give her a call, I'm sure she misses me."

After that Arabella's shouts and please for me to stop become muffled in the distance as I land punch after punch until I feel something hit me in the rib. Breaking out of my trance I look up to find Arabella holding an old wooden baseball bat, then look back down at Alex Romanio's limp body with disgust and bels runs over to check if he's alive. I get off him and turn to Arabella. Before she has a change to hit me again, or say anything for that I grab him, picking him up over my shoulder, and walk down the creaky stairs to dump him outside.

"What the fuck." I shout as I get to the top of the stairs.

Usually when people see me like this they run away, or at least look a little scared, I mean they do that anyway, but especially when I'm like this. But Bella, she stands up looking me dead in the eye, holding a high posture as she moves closer to me.

"Cole, get the fuck out."

I ignore her and move past her to the kitchen to wash the blood off my hands. Fury still radiating off of me.

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