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During class I got a message from my sister, she was outside the hospital waiting for me, I thought she was getting out tomorrow. I'm now driving, a lot faster than I should, to the hospital. I can't stop worrying, what if someone finds out she's here and tells Alex.

I go into the hospital and see Abigail sitting on a bench with an extremely large bag.

I get out rushing to see her, she turns around and greets me with a wide smile. She looks exactly like my mom and aunt, she has bright ocean blue eyes and long blonde hair, she has fare skin and pink rosey cheeks, she's around 5'4, so she's tiny compared to me.

"Abs" I say hugging her.

"Get off me your crushing me." She says laughing.

She seems so different, shes a lot less anxious, more herself.

As I'm signing her out I notice the form I'm signing isn't for a family visit, it's to release her. I stare at it for a moment in disbelief and happiness, but for a second a wave of anxiety washes over me. I ask the nurse if she's sure this is the right form and she nods her head, I turn to check with Abigail and she smiles, "I thought I'd surprise you". She says happily.

Once I sign the papers we leave and get into the car, as much as I'm happy to have Abby back
But I have a bad feeling something bad is going to happen.

I take her straight home to unpack her stuff and feel more comfortable in the house. I didn't change a thing in her room it's still got baby blue walls covered by photos and records from her favourite songs, I've regularly changed the bed sheets so the room is ready for when she came back.

Whilst she's getting ready I ring my aunt to tell her Abby's home and not to tell any one until she's settled in.

Later that night I decide to take her out to the cafe our mom used to take us too, she seems closed off, like she doesn't fully trust me, I try my hardest to make it feel like she's safe and home, but she knows that's not true, I can't protect her from herself.

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