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We're sitting in the cafe, Amy's stuffing her face with cake and coffee, I can't help but laugh at her.

"What's new?" She says swallowing her last bite.

I smile to myself for a second and quickly cover it up. "Nothin, everything's the same".

"No, absolutely not, tell me right now" She raises her voice.

"Shh" I say, "there's nothing to tell" I try to convince her but she just stared blankly waiting for me to answer.

"There's this girl"

Her face lights up. "I knew it, tell me everything."

I stay silent in protest but she keeps begging.

"Fine. If I tell you will, you shut up." I say with a small laugh.

She nods her head vigorously.

"She's the most annoying, infuriating, stubborn girl I've ever met, but I can't get her out of my head." I don't realise until I stop to take a breath but I'm smiling so wide my cheeks hurt. She gives me a look as if to say carry on.

"She's got eyes-"

"Well obviously she's got eyes you idiot" Amy interrupts.

I stare at her with a blank expression, "do you know what, for get about it." I say getting my wallet out to pay the bill.

"What do you want to do tomorrow?" I ask in attempt to change the subject.

She gives me a pointed look, realising she's not going to get anymore information, she just sighs and hugs me, thanking me for the food.

As the cafe is right on a corner, it takes us a few seconds to get to the car.

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