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After she walks away, out of my sight, I can't help but get angry, the anger doesn't stop, it just keeps building.

I walk back to the woods we're I left Alex, I was smoking a joint when I saw his car pull up, I found out this morning my sister is coming home for a family visit in a few days, so seeing him set something off in me that I couldn't control. I remember calmly walking over to the car and opening his door, I remember him arguing with me and trying to pounce me, I remember punching him back, but I don't remember clearly what happened after that until I heard his phone ring and he was on the floor with a bloody face. Seeing Arabella's name appear on his phone made it worse, I wasn't going to let what happened to my sister happen to her too.

As I got back to the forest I can feel myself blacking out again, pure blind rage overwhelmed me, all I saw was red.

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