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After the wreck room we went to an old fashion diner to eat. At first I thought today was just two old friends catching up, but it feels like a date, Lucas is so nice, we've been friends forever, but I've the past two years we drifted and he got into some bad stuff. I'm trying to find a way to make it clear we're just friends but every way I come up with just sounds condescending and presumptuous.

"Stop thinking, your getting lines on your forehead" Lucas says.

"We're not on a date" I blurt out before I can register any other thoughts.

He just looks at me and laughs, "Jacobs" he says between laughter, "you do know I'm gay".

"Yh I do now, ass" I say laughing.

As I threw one of my fries at him the waitress brought over more drinks. She seemed to be flirting with Lucas, I guess he's good lucking, he was a skin head and a nose piercing, he's around 5'11 and has a few tattoos on his arms. He's quite skinny but all together he looks hot.

As the waitress it twirling her hair around her finger a smiling sweetly, she seems nice, apart from her obvious attempts at flirting she was never directly rude to me which is as good as I can hope for. After about five minutes of flirting she walks away. Me and Lucas just look at each other and laugh.

"How did you keep a straight face?" I say struggling to catch my breath.

"I'm used to it" he says cockily.

"Shut up" I laugh.

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