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"Arabella! Arabella" I hear a shrieking sound coming from down the hall as I take my earphones out. I turn to see mrs carter, one of my my school councillors shouting me from down the hall way.

I walk up to her smiling, confused about what could be so important.

"Ahh, sorry for shouting dear" the fifty something year old woman says, "I just needed your permission slip for this Saturday. It's the last day to collect them."

I look at her, utterly confused, She notices my expression and continues, "the 24 hour charity fun run, you volunteered last semester, remember?"

Shit. No I did not in fact remember.

"Umm-yeah yeah, what times was that again?" I say realising I didn't book it off of work.

"7:30 to 7:30 dear, with breaks of course." She says sweetly.

"Right, yeah I have the form in my locker I'll bring it to you by the end of today" I smile and walk off.

Getting to my locker I rummage through a pile of loose paper and candy wrappers and textbooks to find the permission slip. Finally, crumpled up at the back, I find it. I scribble a signature somewhat similar to my uncles and shove it into my back pocket. To give to mrs carter.


I wake up at 5 on Saturday morning, the football team has to contribute to a certain about of school activities each semester, and unfortunately I have to volunteer at the fun run thing. I grab my gym bag and pack a change of clothes for tomorrow, some snacks and drinks, a book, a sleeping bad and stuff as well as some power banks to keep my phone charged in case Abby needs anything.

I get to the park and grab one of the tents that are provided for us, so we can sleep for a few hours, and put it up away from anywhere that will be busy. I'm here before most of the volunteers so I can get my own shit done. After putting up around 3 gazebos and about a thousand tables I see her, wearing a baggy button up pink top and black leggings, with her hair hanging in loose waves around her face, even though she's a fucking bitch, I can't help but admire her effortless beauty. I walks over to the tent station carrying a large black backpack that looks like it's weighing her down. Even in her obvious tired state she's carrying a wide smile on her face when she talks to people.

I realise how long I've been staring when I notice one of my teachers, mrs carter, who is talking to Arabella, pointing over at me. I quickly turn my head to look for Jamal, to try and play it off, but he's flirting with one of the runners.

When I turn back around they're both walking over to me,  Arabella with a bored, annoyed expression on her face.

"Cole, sweetheart, you will be pared up with Arabella handling the drinks station until your break."

Even though I can't see her, I can hear Arabella's eyes rolling at the information.

"Is there no one else I can do it with?" I plead.

"Well, not really, I spoke with your English teacher and she said you two work exceptionally well together, come on Cole, darling, you two can be my star team." Mrs carter says with a hopeful energy. I just nod and smile in return. It's too fucking early for this. 

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