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"Tell me."


"Tell me"


It's been a week since we decided to start over and Cole decided that taking me on a date tomorrow and not telling me where it is, is a good idea.

We've been on the phone for 20 minutes and he still won't tell me what we're doing. It's funny, you would expect someone like Cole to do dates.

"I've got to go, be ready for 7."

"AM?" I shout. "Cole, 7 AM". He just chuckles and puts the phone down.

It is currently 12:37am, which means I have to be awake in 5 hours and twenty three minutes.




"Fuck off" I shout as I search for my phone.


Finally. I look at the time, 6:01am.

"Cole, I hate you right now." I groan.

As a drag myself out of bed I grab my towels and head to the shower. No longer than 10 minutes later, in the middle of rinsing my conditioner out the water goes cold. "PAIGE", I know she's awake because I heard her get up to get coffee.

"Yeah?" She says as she walks into the bathroom.

I pole my head out of the shower curtain. "Did you pay the gas bill."

"Yeah I paid it on Wednesday, when Ethan was here, I remember coz he kept trying to distract me..." she pauses for a second then the look of guilt appears on her face. " and he succeeded" she says sleepily. "I'm sorry I'll do it right now."
Great this day is already going well.

I quickly rinse the rest of the product out of my hair and get ready. I dry my hair and leave it in loose waves instead of straightening it, I apply a small amount of concealer to hide my tiredness, add some blush and mascara and finish it off with some cherry lip balm, I'm too tired to do anything else, I checked the weather forecast last night and it's supposed to be extremely hot today so I search through my closet to find a dress to wear that will be suitable for any occasion.

I eventually find a light blue summer dress which reached half way down my thigh and with allow me to be cooler in the heat. I pair it with my white converse and a silver necklace, I check the time to see it's 6:55. I grab a black denim jacket, in case it gets cold, and head out the door.

As I lock the door I see a black BMW pull up and as the window rolls down I see his dark eyes examine my body. We haven't spent any time together one-on-one, In the mornings he's at football practice and I'm still tutoring Jamal whenever there's spare time. We've actually become friends, not just friendly towards each other.

"You look gorgeous" his still tired voice states.

"Wow, is that an actual real life compliment" I exaggerate, "from the big bad scary-"

"Take the compliment and put your seat belt on" he says trying to keep his monotone expression but I could see a small smile trying to appear.

"So where exactly are we going at this time in the morning." I ask, praying I finally get and answer and that it involves food, because I'm starving.

About 30 minutes later we pull up to a small cafe located in the middle of the cutest small town, it was stunning, the simple, snug design of the cafe made it appear welcoming and homely, the large windows displayed the warm light coming from inside.

As we stepped inside the smell off freshly baked muffins and the strong scent of coffee hit us as the warmth pulled us further in.

"Hi, I'm Annabelle, take a seat wherever you like, I'll be with you in a few minutes." The young beautiful waitress welcomed.

Coke guided me to a table in the back, with a perfect view of the gorgeous food being prepared.

"Get anything you want princess, I'm treating you today" he says whilst half looking at the menu and half looking at me.

I search through the menu trying to pick between all the delicious options, breakfast muffins, pancakes, waffles I'm overwhelmed with choice.

After a few minutes an older, grey haired woman giddily made her way to our table with the biggest smile on her face, "Cole, darling, you should've told me you were coming, I would've got your order ready for you." She grabs him, pulling him in for a hug.

He opens his mouth to speak when she interrupts, "and you brought a friend" she says curiously.

"I'm Arabella" I say offering her my hand to shake, she grabs my hand and pulls me in for a hug.

"Hi Arabella, my names Mary, it's good to finally meet one of Cole's friends." She smiles.

"Bells, this is my aunt Mary, my moms best friend." He says with a wide smile, it's very rare that I see him smile properly, most of the time he tries to hide it, but when I do see it, it's beautiful.

"Anyway, Cole I know what your getting, Arabella, do you know sweetheart?" Mary asks.

"Umm, please could I get the chocolate crepes with strawberries please?" I ask.

"Would you like a drink?"

"A cappuccino please, someone made me wake up early." I say with a pointed look at Cole.

After our food I am very grateful I wore a dress , my stomach is so full I think I might explode.

"That was fucking amazing." I sight as I slump back in my chair.

Remembering this is technically our first date I quickly adjust my posture and make myself look presentable. When I look at him I see him staring intently at me with a small smirk playing on his lips.

When we finish our drinks, he pays and we head back to the car, still not telling me where we're going.

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