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I don't know why but I felt bad about what happened with Arabella today, in the back of my head I know she didn't do anything with Lucas and if she did it didn't matter, but even the thought of it stuck in my head and made me irrational.

After school I went to the cafe she works at, I asked around and found out she works Monday-Thursday nights and Sundays at a small cafe a few blocks from her apartment. I wanted to apologise or see if she was ok, but she want there. I asked her boss and he said she called in sick, so I went to her house. I drove all the way there, got out of my car, walked to the door, and froze, then I turned around and walked away to call Sam, I need about her fight, one that will hurt.


I struggled to get through school without showing people that what Cole said didn't effect me, I knew that if I went to work I'd break down, so I called in sick.

As soon as I got home I got in the bath, the water was at the point we're it burnt me, but I didn't care m, in a way it felt nice.

I don't know what I hate more, Cole for being so ignorant and saying what he said, or my body for it's reaction it had to his mouth so close to my skin, even when he said those horrible words, It gave me goosebumps. I hate him.

After almost an hour in the bath the water began to get cold so I went to my bedroom for changed into some sweats and began to draw, it's the first time I've drawn since my parents funeral, every time I sat down and forced myself to I couldn't put pencil to paper.

I had tiger cuddled up next to me, and the rain pooping it down outside, the lights cut out so I only had my fairy lights to see, and Paige wasn't home. So I just sat and drew, it didn't matter what it ended up looking like, I just had to let it all out.

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