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*This is my book translated into English.I know there's a lot of mistakes but English isn't my first language so I would be grateful if you would correct me. And when you do that, for example in the comments, I'll immediately correct these mistakes in the book. Thank you and I wish you all the best.*


My name is Malia. I come from a race of dwarves. I don't really have much to tell about myself, my parents died when I was little. I was maybe five or six years old. Since then, I have been raised by my father's friend, Thorin Oakenshield. I lived with him in the Kingdom of Erebor. But I'll tell you how our adventure began. When I came to Erebor, Balin, who after the death of Oakenshield's grandfather and the disappearance of Thorin's father, took care of him, told me the story of the Durin family.

Once the kingdom was ruled by Thror, the King under the Mountain. He was one of the greatest dwarven kings. Balin said that Thror had a strong hand and was confident in the permanence of his family. He had heirs, a son Thrain, and a grandson Thorin. Erebor was and still is a beautiful place, implemented in the interior of the mountain. Legends circulated about him. His wealth was the earth, precious stones torn from the rocks, and great veins of gold, winding like rivers among boulders. Some can only dream of living in such a beautiful place. The inhabitants of Erebor were able to create beautiful objects from diamonds, emeralds, rubies and sapphires like no other. Digging deeper and deeper into the darkness, they finally found the heart of the mountain, the Arkenstone. Thror thought it was a sign that he was a ruler by the will of heaven. Everyone paid tribute to him, even the powerful Elven King, Thranduil. And the elves and the dwarves didn't live in harmony.

Everyone told different stories of their dispute, but you never knew what was true. The greater the wealth of the dwarves, the smaller the deposits of their good will. Thror began to get greedy. He began to value gold more than his family and his own life. Illness began to roll it, and they say that where there's illness, there's evil. The days began to get darker. But the worst part was the appearance of the dragon. Balin said that at first there was a noise similar to the roar of a hurricane from the north. Pine trees on the slopes creaked and cracked under the pressure of a hot wind. Smaug has arrived.

Dragons are similarly very greedy, especially for gold. Smaug destroyed the city of Dale and Erebor fell. Balin said that Smaug would guard his prey as long as he was alive. Thorin begged Thranduil for help, but Thranduil refused. He didn't want to expose his people to the wrath of the dragon. The elves didn't help then or ever after.

The dwarves wandered among the wild distances, looking for a new place to settle. After a long journey, Thorin found a good place to live there and start all over again. He wasn't afraid of any work, he worked hard in the villages of the people, but he always had in mind the Mountain that the dragon had occupied. He never forgave and never forgot. When the dragon conquered the Lonely Mountain, King Thror sought to regain the former Dwarven Kingdom, Moria. But the orcs, one of our worst enemies, got there first. They conquered Moria, and their leader was the cruelest of the cruel, the Pale Orc called Azog the Defiler. The mighty orc of Gundabad swore to dust the Durin family. First, he beheaded the king. Thrain, Thorin's father, went mad with despair. He disappeared, was kidnapped or died, no one knew the truth. It seemed that the dwarves would lose, but then Thorin took matters into his own hands. The young prince of the dwarves stood up to fight the Pale Orc. He fought in a destroyed congregation, with an oak branch, which was his shield. Azog then learned that the Durin folk couldn't be so easily broken. The enemy was defeated. Balin said Thorin was the only person he could follow. The only one he could call king.

And that's where I come in. Thorin is like a father to me that I didn't have. I was too small and I don't remember my own father, and neither do my mom. He said they were really noble people. Now that I've grown up, I'm trying to repay him for his help. At first I thought I wouldn't have any friends, but when I met the brothers Kili and Fili, I quickly changed my mind. Thorin is their uncle, so we are very close to the boys.

Recently, Thorin announced that he wants to reclaim the Lonely Mountain. He gathered a company that would embark on this expedition. It consists of thirteen dwarves: Kili, Fili, Balin, Dwalin, Ori, Dori, Nori, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Oin, Gloin and of course Thorin and me. The wizard Gandalf, who is supposed to help us achieve our goal, said that we would also need a burglar. He also said that he had already found a candidate for it. Our journey begins at this very moment. Tomorrow we're to reach the Shire, where our burglar is located. All we knew from Gandalf was that he was a hobbit, lived in the Shire and was called Bilbo Baggins. I was very curious about him. Soon it'll turn out what he really is.


After a long time, I'm adding something fresh below. A short video for a story from my book.

Feel free to watch. ^^

Have a nice day/evening!

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