Chapter 187

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After the game, Tianhuan was invited to the interview booth with 5 people. The reporter said excitedly: "Congratulations to Tianhuan for winning the second round of the winner's group and advancing to the finals! Welcome five players to the interview booth!"

The five people appeared together, and the scene was very spectacular.

The photographers pointed their cameras at them, the flash dazzlingly bright. Cheng Xing looked at the reporters under the stage, and his heart beat faster. He always felt like a big star attending the press conference?

The reporter handed the microphone to Chi Shuo and said, "Team Chi, Tianhuan made it to the finals of the S10 Huaguo region, what do you want to say to the fans?"

Chi Shuo took the microphone and said in a calm voice: "Tianhuan's grades have been poor and experienced many difficulties in the past three years. Thank you for not giving up on us during the trough. I believe that this season's Tianhuan , will definitely give a satisfactory answer to those who support us."

The reporter said, "Does the satisfactory answer refer to the champion?"

Chi Shuo nodded: "Yes, we will try our best to win the championship!"

There was a burst of applause, followed by Ye Shaoyang, Cheng Xing and others.

The reporter handed over the microphone to Qu Jiang: "Jiang Shui, you performed very well today. In 4 games, 3 games were assisted by a magistrate, and 2 of them also won the MVP. As a former mid laner, you are also in the auxiliary position. You are adapting very well, may I ask, how did you adjust your mentality?"

Qu Jiang said with a smile: "Adjust your mentality? I don't think there's anything to regret about switching to an assistant in the middle, and there's no need to worry about it. Auxiliaries also play a big role. As long as you can win the game, it doesn't matter what position you play. , Yangyang's mid laner is indeed better than me, and I admire him very much."

The reporter said: "It seems that the relationship between the two is very harmonious?"

Qu Jiang and Ye Shaoyang nodded at the same time: "Yes."

Ye Shaoyang added: "My cooperation with Qu Jiang is also very tacit. The linkage of the double mid laner, the rhythm of the team play, and controlling the two opponents at the same time are also the key to winning the Moon Shadow today."

The reporter looked at Cheng Xing: "Xiao Xing has grown up very fast recently, and Xiao Yu, who is against the line Yueying, did not suffer today. How do you evaluate yourself?"

Cheng Xing coughed with a blushing face, and said seriously: "I am the apprentice of Team Chi, the younger brother Yang, Qu and Lao Qin have been taking care of, and a newcomer to Tianhuan. But at the same time, I am also their teammate. So, I Keep improving and catch up with them, you can't be their fuel bottle!"

Ye Shaoyang smiled and applauded, Cheng Xing's ears were slightly red, and he stammered: "As for how to evaluate myself? I think, now, I have the strength to fight against top shooters!"

The reporter said: "We are also looking forward to Xiaoxing's performance in the finals." She turned the microphone to Lao Qin: "Lao Qin's presence in the Tianhuan team is relatively low, are you under pressure?"

Qin Yizhu smiled and said: "There is no pressure. A team always needs to allocate the economy reasonably. It is impossible for all 5 people to kill people. I am everyone's backing."

The reporter finally handed the microphone to Ye Shaoyang: "From the regular season to now, Team Tianhuan's performance in S10 is getting better and better. Many fans say that the key lies in the addition of Lieyang. What do you think of Lieyang?"

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