Sword of Fate - I

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A field of flowers as far as the eye can see. A utopia to those who wish to rest. Scenery as beautiful as it can be. Most stride to see a semblance of this, even going as far as to go on a journey that has no way back home. One such person was a magus of low standing, only having a below average amount of magical circuits. Yet, even with that setback, he managed to win a potentially world-ending war between pairs of masters and servants. Going through hell in his childhood, he destroyed the cause of said hell with his dear servant.

Said servant was part of what was considered the best class; the Saber class. Said servant's tale was as inspiring as it was grim, as well as the servant's gender being the opposite of what was said in legends. Even so, the sword of selection does not discriminate by gender, only choosing those who are worthy of being king. And king did this servant become, leading the kingdom until it's dominion came. Swords, spears, arrows, all were used to pierce adversaries on the battlefield during the battle of Camlann.

But that was all in the past. Both master and servant were reunited after the war that brought them together. How many years did she wait? She doesn't know. As long as he had arrived in the sacred garden, that's all she cared about. Just remembering their reunion makes the king smile, nothing else mattered to her.



"Yes Saber?"

She came running towards him, who was standing in front of what seems to be a Japanese estate.

"Wow... looks just like it!" She jumped in excitement, reminiscing about the times she and her beloved spent in that estate during the 5th Holy Grail War, as well as those who often ate with them.

"It isn't a perfect replica. There isn't a way to turn on the TV or any electronic in the house. Though the kitchen should be functional," The auburn-haired man said.

"And that's all that matters!" She said as she put her hands on her hips, "Besides, I wouldn't understand anything shown on that device anyway."

"Right... all you care about is food," The man sighed, "What happened to the prim n' proper Saber during the war?" He asked with a raised brow and arms crossed.

"What? We aren't in a Grail War now are we? Plus, why should I act like that when it's just us 3?"

"I guess so," He sighed, "Kenme! The house is ready!" He shouted.

A girl who's beauty was on-par with her 'father', though her features were leaning towards her 'mother'. Red-orange hair with green eyes, her height being taller than her 'father' yet shorter than her 'mother'. Her name was Kenme Pendragon, given to her by her 'father', who wanted to try the naming convention of the country which their child's 'mother' hailed from. Her name meaning 'Sword Maiden', with the last name of her 'father' being used instead of her 'mother's due to him losing an argument before she was born.

Speaking of, Kenme was born in an unconventional way. Well, for her 'father' at least. The king has been disguising herself as a man, never doing anything feminine as that would fool the people of her kingdom. She was the one that did the implantation, that seed later becoming a Knight of the Round Table and the fabled Treacherous Knight, Mordred. This time around, since she was more open to her femininity due to the magus that was once her master in the Grail War, she became pregnant and gave birth to Kenme.

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