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It had been a month since Kenme had done the test Da Vinci had created for her alongside Caster's and Hanamura. Currently, all 3 are in the cafeteria seated with food in front of them. Well, it was mostly Kenme, but the other 2 were eating normal portions of food.

"Hmdedyudodamerbelssoezilly?" Kenme 'says' with food stuffed in her mouth, causing Hanamura to giggle while Caster stared with a blank look.

"Kenme, please swallow your food before you talk," Hanamura says as she took a sip of her drink with a smile as Kenme swallows the food in her mouth.

"Sorry, I just meant to ask how did you guys do Da Vinci's marble test so easily?!" She says with sparkles in her eyes. "It took me hours to even get a fraction of mana into that thing!"

"Huh? You were tasked to do that as well?" Both Caster and Hanamura questioned as Kenme nodded vigorously as a reply.

"Seriously, how'd you two do it! I wanna know!"

Like a little kid, Kenme was right up their faces as she asked that question with sparkles in her eyes.


Hanamura observed Caster's blank expression to see if he was getting annoyed or not. She was rather surprised to see that, instead of some sort of scowl, he had a soft expression on his face. It was as if he was looking at a younger sibling, which had Hanamura squeal in her mind. She always wanted what it feels like to be an older sister, and now she has the opportunity to feel like one despite the rather small age gap between them three.

"I'll tell you about how I did it. Caster's up for debate, though," Hanamura says as she finished her glass of water.

"I don't mind," Caster says before Kenme could even ask, causing the Saber to leap onto him in excitement.



A few hours later, the trio were called to Da Vinci's workshop. Something about 'Lily Goddesses' somehow piqued Hanamura's and Kenme's curiosity, dragging the unamused link along because he argued that 'he had nothing to do'.

Upon arrival, they immediately saw the problem.

"Waaaah! I'm hungwee!" A now 'little' Goddess of Venus cried, clinging onto an apparent blonde version of herself. "Eresh, make some food!" 

"I can't if you're clinging onto me like that..," The Goddess of the Underworld-turned child replied, noticing the new arrivals. "Ah! Caster-nii!" She waved at the Caster specifically, not noticing the fact that she called him big brother.

"This is... awkward. Don't you think so as well, Kama?" A girl with purple hair says with a nervous smile.

"I... don't care, really," Kama, who seems to be in her child form, says. "Still... despite all the acts I have done, this vessel's been through a lot..," The God-turned-pseudo-servant of love murmured with a smirk on her face.


Before Parvati could ask any questions about THEIR vessel, she and Kama were lift up by a set of hands. Both of them looked to see who their new carrier was and saw a woman who's looks were similar to their hosts, but had reddish-purple hair and a blindfold that hid their eyes instead.


On the other side of the spectrum, Caster observed the pair of Mesopotamian Goddesses in curiosity. The more he looked at them, the more he'd receive blurry visions that all involve the voice and silhouette of Ishtar's and Ereshkigal's vessel. The more he thought about it, the more painful the headache he'd receive. It wasn't just this time either, it also happens to anything that he connects to 'his past'.


For some reason, he really wanted to uncover at least ONE of these visions. He wanted to see what was prevalent enough to stay in his mind for so long. Why?! How!? What does he have to do to uncover these... memories of his?

Unbeknownst to the Caster servant, he was unconsciously releasing dangerous amounts of prana in the form of red lightning not too far from the Knight of Treachery's own. Of course, being the responsible person she was, Hanamura let both of the pseudo-servants in her hands down before walking towards the seemingly distressed servant. The closer she got, the more open her arms were until she had him in a tight embrace.

"It's okay, Caster-san. We'll help you with whatever's bothering you," The Archer whispered as another set of arms came in and enveloped them both. Hanamura looked to see who it was, only to find Kenme's face buried in both her and Caster's shoulders.

"Yeah! Aren't we some sort of family anyway?" The Saber says with a huge grin on her face.

Caster was snapped out of his thoughts the moment Hanamura embraced him, thus allowing him to hear what the Archer and Saber had said to him and couldn't help but make more visions resurface. This time, instead of it being a vessel for the goddesses, it was just an energetic girl his age.

"Rit.. Ritsuka?" The Caster servant whispered, with only the Archer being able to hear it.

"You're back! Hurray!" 

As both Kenme and Hanamura let go of Caster, the former moving her attention onto the little goddesses while the latter stood there and pondered about the name Caster had mentioned.

'Ritsuka, huh? Where have I heard that name before?' She thought as she went back to being overwhelmed by the the 2 Indian gods' cuteness.

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